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Everything in a person's life should be exactly as it is currently taking place. There is no possible scenario in which something else could have happened. You couldn't have experienced anything, really nothing else, because otherwise you would have experienced something completely different, then you would have realized a completely different phase of life. But often we are not satisfied with our current life, we worry a lot about the past, may regret past actions and often feel guilty. We are dissatisfied with the current circumstances, get caught up in this mental chaos and find it difficult to get out of this self-imposed vicious cycle.

In the present everything has its order - everything should be exactly as it is!!!

Everything should be the way it is in the presentEverything has its order in the present. All circumstances that you are currently experiencing, the entire life of a person should be exactly as it is at present, everything is correct, even the smallest detail. But we humans tend to get caught up in mental patterns and in many cases cannot accept our own circumstances. In this context, many people always worry a lot about the past. You sometimes sit around for hours and draw a lot of negativity from past situations. You think of many moments that you regret in hindsight, situations that you wish had gone differently. So it happens that certain people spend some time of their lives mentally in the past. One no longer lives in the present, but keeps oneself trapped in negative, past situations. Over time you let it eat you up inside and the longer you think about the corresponding past situations, the more intense they become, you lose more and more the connection to your own true self (thoughts with which you are in resonance increase in intensity significantly – law of resonance). But what one always ignores is the fact that, first of all, everything in one's life should be exactly as it is currently taking place. Nothing else could have happened and you couldn't have experienced anything else yourself, because otherwise you would have experienced something different. There is no physical scenario in which something else could have happened, otherwise you would have chosen something different and realized a different train of thought. In that sense, no mistakes have been made. Even if you may have acted selfishly or did something that harmed other people and yourself, there were situations that were supposed to happen that way. Events that only served to be able to progress further in life, experiences from which one could ultimately only learn and these past situations or everything that happened in a person's life makes you who you are today.

The past only exists in your mind...!

Past and future exist only in your thoughtsSecond, it is important to understand that the past and future are purely mental constructs. However, at the current level, both periods do not exist, they always have been and always will be. The present is much more something in which one has always been. People also like to talk about the so-called now or a moment, an eternally expanding moment that has always existed, is and will be. Every human being has been in this moment since the beginning of his existence. Everything that happened in the past always happened in this moment and all the actions that you will commit in the future will also take place in the present. That's the special thing about life, everything always takes place in the present. In this context, future and past always only exist in our thoughts and are maintained by our mental imagination. The problem with this is that if you keep yourself trapped in sustainable, past patterns, you miss out on the present moment and are unable to consciously live in it. As soon as you spend hours racking your brains over past events, you no longer live consciously in the present and thus lose the connection to the higher self. You then lose your own zest for action and become incapable of your own creative power after life to create your own wishes. You then no longer manage to be positive or happy, to take advantage of the present, because you allow yourself to be paralyzed by this mental negativity.

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The mental fear of the future...!

Don't be afraid of the futureOf course, the same also applies to the future. In life, we often have negative thoughts about the future. You may be afraid of this, afraid of what is to come, or worried that something bad might happen in the future, an event that could block your life. But here, too, the whole thing only takes place in the mind of a person. The future does not exist at the present level, but is again only maintained by our mental imagination of it. Ultimately, as always, you only live in the present and then allow yourself to be mentally limited due to the negative future you imagine. In fact, the problem with the whole thing is that the longer you think about it, the more you think about it, the event you're dreading could pull into your life. The universe fulfills all of the wishes you have in life. However, do not divide the universe into positive and negative wishes. For example, if you are jealous and have the feeling that your girlfriend/boyfriend could cheat on you, then this would even be possible. In this case you are responsible for it yourself because you are trapped in your own intellectual jealousy. Due to the law of resonance, one always draws into one's own life what one is mentally in resonance with. The longer you think about it, the more intense this feeling becomes and the more the universe will ensure that this negative wish comes true. Apart from that, this jealousy then transfers to your own life and that of your partner. You always carry your own inner feelings and thoughts out into the world, you then reflect this to the outside and other people feel this, they see it, because you then embody this negativity on the outside. In addition, sooner or later you transfer these thoughts to the outside world through words or irrational actions.

You may draw your partner's attention to this, you become restless and convey your concerns to him. The stronger and more intense this mediation then becomes, the more likely it is that the partner will be driven to commit the corresponding action. For this reason, it is always advisable to pay attention to your own mental structure, because with the help of our thoughts we create our own life. If you manage to act out of the present and build up a perfect, positive spectrum of thoughts, then nothing stands in the way of your own happiness. In this stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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    • Herman Speth 5. June 2021, 9: 45

      Writer Bo Yin Ra advises trusting your higher self, which draws into existence what is best for you. Our higher guidance always leads us to where we fit and where the best success beckons us. In this way we avoid messing with fate ourselves, which unfortunately most people can't do without and get nowhere as a result.

    Herman Speth 5. June 2021, 9: 45

    Writer Bo Yin Ra advises trusting your higher self, which draws into existence what is best for you. Our higher guidance always leads us to where we fit and where the best success beckons us. In this way we avoid messing with fate ourselves, which unfortunately most people can't do without and get nowhere as a result.
