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For a few days and weeks there has been an energetic situation that really has it all. We are constantly receiving strong influences regarding the planetary resonance frequency, which favors very special moods and states of transformation. These strong influences, which in turn are partly responsible for shaking our earth's magnetic field, reach the collective state of consciousness and trigger fundamental changes.

collective change

A mood of upheaval felt everywhereThese changes are characterized in particular by the fact that we humans rethink ourselves and gain a deeper insight into the current sham system. On the other hand, our own state of being comes to the fore and transformative as well as cleansing processes are set in motion (we explore our own spiritual ground, develop a spiritual interest, deal with fundamental questions, experience a love of nature and achieve throughout, gradually, a broader spiritual understanding.). As a result, we humans experience massive mental and emotional development. This development can be very gentle or turbulent (usually both phases are passed through - dualitarian experiences). At the moment we feel that we are in a phase in which an explosive number of changes are taking effect. Ultimately, there is a crisis on many levels of existence, which is not only noticeable internally but also externally (our inner state is always transferred to the outer world, which is why the outer world is a projection of our own inner world). Above all, this can be seen from the reactions of countless populations, which are currently resisting more and more and defying the system (the people are exposing more and more disinformation and illusion-based circumstances). Of course, this intensity is also expressed on other levels of existence, yes, it can be observed in all areas, but I have to say personally that this transformative fact, within the people, at least at the moment, is being expressed very strongly.

It is extremely astonishing how rapidly the collective is currently developing and recognizing connections, especially with regard to the illusory system. A confrontation with the relevant information is therefore becoming increasingly unavoidable, because the unmasking of the sham system is currently spreading like wildfire and reaching more and more people. The collective is heading for a critical mass, which, when it is reached, will automatically (active action) initiate a huge change..!!

As far as that is concerned, there have never been so many demonstrations, revolts (against the existing establishment – ​​fake governments) and questions (confrontations) of the existing fake system as there is at the moment. Recently, at least in Germany, Chemnitz has also contributed a large part to this circumstance, i.e. that another part of the population "awakens" (in this case an "awakening" that refers to the understanding of the illusory system), because the version of the events, which in turn were served up to us by various mass media that had been brought into line, was in turn not only strongly doubted by many outsiders, but also by the demonstrators there, who were ultimately strongly discredited (keywords: informants - paid troublemakers, not a right-wing mob , all participants were lumped together and sometimes called a pack by politicians, distortion of facts and discrediting of people in order to protect a plan that in turn wants to be enforced by the puppet rulers – hooton - Businessman - Morgenthau).

More and more initial sparks

Volk Regarding Chemnitz and the refugee policy, I will also publish a separate article (such an article has been in the works for 1-2 weeks, but I haven't finished it yet - it's also a very critical topic where a lot of different background information has to be taken up, which is why the completion takes a lot of time and quiet). Well, in any case, the resentment within the population can be felt very strongly and that a huge rethinking is taking place can hardly be overlooked. Of course there are still people who haven't touched these issues (which is perfectly fine), but you can clearly see a trend towards "collective awakening". It feels like there have never been so many people who have grappled with the background of the sham system and have also recognized that the rulers only represent the interests of various private families ("power-obsessed families" - to put it harmlessly, who in turn control the banking system, Control states, industries and mass media institutions - I know I repeat myself and explain things very often due to many new readers, but again I pick up again that this is not a "conspiracy theory" and this word is from psychological warfare and targeted was established in order in turn to condition the masses against certain topics and to be able to expose corresponding system-critical ideas to ridicule) and as a result act not for the people but against the people. Ultimately, this is also a circumstance for which there are not only countless examples, but which is also recognizable on all levels of existence. Action is deliberately taken against the people and only their own interests or the interests of the corresponding backers are represented.

Although there is a great deal of unrest within the country/countries at this time, it must be said that we are nevertheless, inevitably, moving towards an era in which peace, justice, financial prosperity, freedom, health and love will be universally manifest. This is not a utopia either, but a circumstance that, as has often been mentioned, will reach us 100%. And even if dualitarian experiences are important and especially at the beginning, i.e. when we recognize individual mechanisms of the illusory system, are very present (express displeasure), we should also understand here that the path to a peaceful age through our action happens, especially when we ourselves represent the change/embody the peace we wish for the world..!! 

It is about the implementation of very precarious goals, which is why the people should be kept small, sick and ignorant. People who are in turn critical of the system are therefore deliberately silenced, at least that is what is being tried. Well then, to come back to the core issue, so many inconsistencies, propaganda campaigns, half-truths and disinformation spread by the system are currently being uncovered, so that a massive mood of upheaval prevails.

A mood of upheaval felt everywhere

Volk The current "rulers" not only make countless mistakes, but they expose themselves through paradoxical statements, contradictory actions and also due to a highly immoral, questionable and contradictory policy, which is why they are losing more and more support within the population ( And no, this article is not intended to be against the "rulers" or rather to declare them as supposed "enemies", only facts are taken up and the circumstance explained. Ultimately, these people are also in a process of spiritual awakening and sooner or later they will also have to adapt/face this process, it is inevitable). The people within the system learn that things are not as they would like them to know and as a result they increasingly lose trust in the "state" (and all associated institutions + representatives). Instead, one's own creative abilities are recognized and trust in one's own abilities is developed. Ultimately, we humans are also powerful creators, represent the space of creation itself and have tremendous potential, which in turn is currently being increasingly recognized and manifested. Therefore, a transformative circumstance currently prevails, which is assuming seemingly unimagined proportions. If you look at the past years, months and weeks, then it is hardly surprising that it has now come to this (apart from the fact that an extremely strong energetic situation has prevailed for weeks). And ultimately, more and more circumstances are added, which in turn reflect & accelerate a corresponding transformation.

Energy always follows our own attention, which is why we should focus mostly on a peaceful and harmonious transformative transition. It is often even advised not to pay any attention to the whole sham system, at least for educational purposes, because as I said, energy follows our own attention and what we direct our own focus on increases and is then also experienced more intensively by other people. Nevertheless, I think it is just as appropriate to offer a space for the whole thing, at least from time to time, simply because it is important and promotes a comprehensive rethinking. In particular, if this is done with a peaceful intention, it is absolutely justifiable in my opinion, apart from the fact that opposing moods and reactions can also be understandable and represent part of the incipient mood of upheaval..!!  

Be it the countless (seven) observatories that have now been closed by secret services, the riots within the country due to the catastrophic refugee policy (as I said, google for Hooton - Kaufmann - Morgenthau, there are reasons why the refugee policy should be enforced with all power and why also people who in turn criticize the refugee policy, all defamed as Nazis - my article will follow soon), the currently raging storm Florence on the US east coast or the tropical storm Mangkhut, which is raging in China and the Philippines (apart from weather manipulation by Haarp and co., this also illustrates the cleaning and transformation of our planet), or be it the countless "smaller" conflicts within all countries, which also reflect a rethinking of the population and contradictory actions of the "pseudo-rulers" (e.g. Hambach Forest). The extent is getting bigger and that we find ourselves in a transformative wave can hardly be disguised. We can therefore also be curious how this process will develop in the coming weeks and months and to what extent the effects will be noticeable. But one thing is certain: “The process that all of humanity is currently going through is irreversible and is affecting more and more people every day. It is therefore only a matter of time before a comprehensive revolution will become manifest. And here I am of course talking about a peaceful revolution, in which we lay the foundations for a new world with our sensitive skills and our open hearts. In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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