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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy on December 4th, 2020 is mainly characterized by the escalating energy of the end of the year, which is made up, on the one hand, of the violent influences of the extremely advanced awakening process, and on the other hand of the mood of the beginning of withdrawal and the temperatures that have now become cooler. Added to this are the influences of the decreasing Moon in the zodiac sign Leo, at least the moon changes to (previously the moon was in the zodiac sign Cancer).

The energy of cold

But the energy of the coming end of the year in particular flows into the frequency quality of the current days. After all, all structures are currently changing in the background and parallel to the very advanced awakening process, the inevitable preparation for what feels like the largest mass awakening in human history is taking place in the background. After all the times in which more and more people have questioned the existing illusory system, after all the times in which more and more people have dealt with their own minds and come to the realization that they themselves are powerful creators (the source itself – divine/creative beings), that there is much more to life than we always assumed, yes, that we ourselves are even capable of working miracles or acquiring abilities that we would have previously thought unthinkable (Breaking down all self-imposed limits – maximum spiritual freedom – divine consciousness – everything is possible), due to all of these circumstances, a huge energy has manifested itself in the collective spirit in recent years, which is now, slowly but surely, breaking through completely in the last month of the golden decade that has begun and, with it, flowing through the entire world. As I have already mentioned many times, the huge increase in frequency on our planet has come about in particular through the spiritual awakening of all of us. Likewise, we are all primarily responsible for the current collective consciousness transformation. And of course, the last days of this month will be accompanied by a lot of rest. In keeping with winter, these are what feel like the last dark days before the light reveals major revelations and twists on the world stage.

→ DON’T BE FEAR of a crisis. Don't be afraid of shortages, but LEARN TO CARE FOR YOURSELF ALWAYS AND AT ALL TIMES. This course will teach you how to collect basic food (MEDICINAL PLANTS) from nature every day. Anywhere and especially at any time!!!! RAISE YOUR SPIRIT!!!!

We are currently experiencing the most upheaval winter of all time. It is a walk through the darkness that not only allows us to finally experience countless shadow-heavy structures and limiting/disharmonic mental structures or allows us to see the darkness (while we are anchored in complete basic trust and have a light-filled world very clearly in our sight), but which also presents us with the darkness of the matrix system in the greatest possible way. Out of a profound desperation, the darkness rears up one last time to maintain its now severely damaged power before it falls completely and begins to rise - into a golden world , must bow. Let us therefore observe this spectacle in peace and, apart from that, surrender to our own inner peace. The temperatures outside are cool, which invites us to draw strength from the prevailing cold - which always goes hand in hand with calm. And no matter how hard it is in these times (outside) may appear, always remember that the game has already been decided. Nothing can prevent the current light process and especially the coming transformation/revelation process. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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    • Barbara 4. December 2020, 9: 40

      Thank you for always being pleasant to read

    • Roland 4. December 2020, 9: 55


    • Jacqueline Juschka 4. December 2020, 10: 05

      Dear Yannick, thank you for your true words. I am happy about your “wonderful development”! I bless you with all my heart. Jacqueline Juschka

    • Gabriele Dyroff 4. December 2020, 21: 34

      I am touched and grateful for light and love for all people

    Gabriele Dyroff 4. December 2020, 21: 34

    I am touched and grateful for light and love for all people

    • Barbara 4. December 2020, 9: 40

      Thank you for always being pleasant to read

    • Roland 4. December 2020, 9: 55


    • Jacqueline Juschka 4. December 2020, 10: 05

      Dear Yannick, thank you for your true words. I am happy about your “wonderful development”! I bless you with all my heart. Jacqueline Juschka

    • Gabriele Dyroff 4. December 2020, 21: 34

      I am touched and grateful for light and love for all people

    Gabriele Dyroff 4. December 2020, 21: 34

    I am touched and grateful for light and love for all people

    • Barbara 4. December 2020, 9: 40

      Thank you for always being pleasant to read

    • Roland 4. December 2020, 9: 55


    • Jacqueline Juschka 4. December 2020, 10: 05

      Dear Yannick, thank you for your true words. I am happy about your “wonderful development”! I bless you with all my heart. Jacqueline Juschka

    • Gabriele Dyroff 4. December 2020, 21: 34

      I am touched and grateful for light and love for all people

    Gabriele Dyroff 4. December 2020, 21: 34

    I am touched and grateful for light and love for all people

    • Barbara 4. December 2020, 9: 40

      Thank you for always being pleasant to read

    • Roland 4. December 2020, 9: 55


    • Jacqueline Juschka 4. December 2020, 10: 05

      Dear Yannick, thank you for your true words. I am happy about your “wonderful development”! I bless you with all my heart. Jacqueline Juschka

    • Gabriele Dyroff 4. December 2020, 21: 34

      I am touched and grateful for light and love for all people

    Gabriele Dyroff 4. December 2020, 21: 34

    I am touched and grateful for light and love for all people
