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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy on July 31, 2020 is mainly characterized by the final influences of July and on the other hand by the beginning of August influences. Accordingly, today we are already getting a foretaste of what is to come in the coming month. In this context, August will make another significant leap and our own Increase the state of consciousness even more in terms of frequency. After all, the constantly increasing MASS AWAKENING creates a PERMANENT strong increase in energy, which results in a situation in which we experience an even greater energetic intensity from month to month.


MONTH of the DIVINEThe whole thing is comparable to a candlelight, the light of which brightly illuminates a room. We are in a phase in which the light/fire of the candle has been lit and now brightly illuminates the room. Each month marks exactly this process, i.e. the beginning of the room being illuminated by the candle, until at the end the candle has made the room visible with its maximum glow. Well, the maximum is also a key word here, because we are all inevitably heading towards the maximum. In this context, I can only point out again and again the recurring God-consciousness, which in turn goes hand in hand with the PRINCIPLE of the MAXIMUM, because recognizing yourself as the divine/the source/the creative authority, even feeling the divine with every cell, goes along with it a tremendous abundance, apart from the fact that through this self-image all external life circumstances align with one's own new divine self-image. We can only experience fullness, maximum or even love when we sense/experience these aspects within ourselves. The state of our inner world is crucial to what we experience outside. An abundance mind attracts more abundance and a lack mind attracts more lack. But the ever-increasing manifestation of a divine self-image inevitably goes hand in hand with the resolution of all deficiencies. You fulfill yourself simply by knowing that ONLY you created EVERYTHING and therefore everything happens within you. You no longer see yourself as insignificant or even small, but as completely unique, as incredibly valuable, as a creator who is 100% connected to all of your creation (All of humanity, everything that exists is ONLY a PRODUCT OF YOUR OWN IMAGINATION - everything is projections of your own self).

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Well, the last summer month of August, which also stands for the harvest of our own ripe fruits (also visible in nature, e.g. Berries and co. which can now be harvested, forests are currently full of blackberries), will anchor the divine principle even more firmly in the collective. After all, this knowledge, which is sometimes difficult to grasp, which can make people completely free inside and is accompanied by a MASSIVE FULLNESS, is slowly but surely taking on major dimensions. Countless or MILLIONS of people are now aware that we live in a sham system in which we are supposed to be held captive with disinformative campaigns and a distorted history of humanity. But the knowledge that oneself is the divine/God represents a state of consciousness that is only just now becoming truly manifest (And by that I don't mean the knowledge of being the creator of one's own reality, but rather the awareness of being the one GOD - for a better understanding, as I said, I recommend mine here Youtube videos the highest level of knowledge parts 1-3). The knowledge about our true origins is anchored in the collective. Everyone who carries this understanding/consciousness within them increases the manifestation of this level of knowledge and we have now reached a point where a strong shift is also occurring here. Therefore, August will be very intense again and will bring this point to the fore, there is no doubt about it. Regarding this, I'll quote another section from the site: love-the-whole.blogspot.com/, which is about the influences of August on the one hand, but also about the return of the divine on the other:

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We look forward to getting in touch with you all.

We are also very excited to share with you what we think the month of August will be about on planet Earth. We have been working with a Pleiadian Collective and a Sirian Collective to put together an energy package that works very well with the other energies you have brought in/already received for the month of August. It is our intention to ensure that this coming month is all about you finding your core within. This is the month in which humanity recognizes the Divine that is present in each and every one of you, always and everywhere.

We truly want to cement the truth that you are all Source Energy Beings and that when you turn your focus inward, when you give your full and undivided attention to the unconditional love that resides at your core, you have access to All That Is your heart center exists. If you want to lead humanity as the awakened collective, then you must be the ones who carry the Christ Consciousness within you. You must be the ones to show the rest of humanity what is possible when you truly know yourselves as Divine Beings of Light and Love.

What we see there on Earth is a far too long wait for something that will save humanity from itself. Only people themselves can truly save humanity. There are of course beings and collectives like us who are doing everything in their (& our) power to help you awaken as a collective, to bring you back to yourself and to continually remind you of how powerful you are . But there are also far too many people out there who want to suggest to you that you are not as powerful as some Cabal or Illuminati group and that you have to wait for some kind of solar bolt to come along and save you all.

It's time to stop pinning all your hopes on "just any" politician who will "save your day," that is, who will be able to influence a group of well-meaning individuals to defeat the bad guys. What humanity needs now, and what this coming month gives you the opportunity to do, is to recognize that divinity has been activated in so many of you who are ready to live in the same way Jesus (the Christ) once did. energy). Remind ALL that they are the Source, that they are Divine, that they are the ones creating this scenario as an illusion... so that they may awaken from the dream and become the powerful beings of light that they truly are.

Welcome the energies of August with open arms and acknowledge the full knowledge of who you truly are, and then go out into the world. Spread the light, spread the love, spread the healing, and offer compassion and forgiveness anytime and anywhere... and you will see your world change in ways that nothing, absolutely nothing else can would have been. You are the one, you are the one who recognizes one's true nature as a divine being, and it will then be a collective endeavor to take the rest of humanity along on this very fun, joyful and beautiful ride."

With this in mind, we can be excited to see what events August has in store for us. Either way, one thing is certain: it will be very intense. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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