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daily energy

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Now the time has come friends and the last day of 2018 has begun. The turn of the year is accompanied by a very special energy quality, because as already mentioned in one of my last daily energy articles, the day is shaped by the “New Year's intentions” of the entire collective. In this regard, a very special aspect stands out and that is the fact that the thoughts and feelings of one every person, flow into the collective state of consciousness and change it.

The potential of the turn of the year

The potential of the turn of the yearFor this reason, New Year's Eve is a very special event, at least from an energetic point of view, because the "change in mood" of billions of people simply creates a new spiritual foundation throughout. This also means that a certain mental realignment is in the foreground, because countless people simply have the idea that something new is beginning, for example a new time, a new year, new living conditions and completely new structures, which is why this day always comes with an extremely large number of resolutions and others intentions go hand in hand. Ultimately, you can take advantage of this potential, for example by engaging in this mental realignment, instead of taking old structures with you into the new year, as is often the case. The concentrated intensity therefore brings with it enormous potential and anyone who fully engages with this quality of energy, lets go of old things, and leaves their comfort zone if necessary, will take the corresponding mental orientation with them into the new year. Apart from that, tonight is generally accompanied by special energetic movements (the aggravation of all the past months). In this regard, there was generally a quality of energy this year that set an incredible number of cleaning processes in motion. It felt like it was a very important year, which not only made us aware of countless internal conflicts, but also heralded the beginning of new structures in many areas of life. Not only did the development in the collective process of spiritual awakening experience a massive acceleration, but our own living conditions and interpersonal relationships were also able to be experienced in a completely new way. The year was therefore extremely special and opened up completely new paths for many people. It is also worth mentioning again and again the last 3-4 months, in which such a strong energy quality prevailed, so that not only emotional highs and lows could be experienced, but also a completely fundamental realignment could take place. I have reported similar things again and again and it was astonishing how many structures have changed in such a short period of time.

A wise person lets go of the past every moment and goes into the future reborn. For Him the present is a constant transformation, a rebirth, a resurrection. – Osho..!!

Never before in my life have I immersed myself in so many different states of consciousness as I have recently. And everything moved towards circumstances in which I was increasingly confronted with my own true nature. It's almost as if I'm being drawn to my true core in my life and breaking away from all old structures, sometimes a gentle process, but sometimes also a very stormy one. Nevertheless, never before has a year ended for me with such a new basic energy and everything is moving towards a completely new experience, because this New Year's Eve will be completely different compared to all the last years, to my surprise and By that I don't mean the previously expressed wish to spend this evening alone in peace (related to the last daily energy article). As if by magic, something completely new has emerged and although it is so surprising, it is very much in keeping with my past experiences, namely that the new is completely in the process of becoming manifest. With this in mind, friends, I wish you all a happy new year and a wonderful time with your loved ones. Enjoy the evening and immerse yourself in a new year in which everything, really everything, is possible. I'm really looking forward to the future time with you. Stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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