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Today's daily energy on August 31, 2018 is mainly shaped by the moon, which in turn changed to the zodiac sign Taurus at 03:30 a.m. in the night. On the other hand, we also get influences from four different ones Star constellations. Nevertheless, the pure influences of the Taurus Moon will definitely predominate and bring us special influences again.

Moon in Taurus zodiac sign

Moon in Taurus zodiac signFor this reason, influences reach us through which not only security, demarcation (which does not necessarily have to be of a disharmonious nature - retreat - relaxation and recharging your batteries) and an increased focus on our home can be present, but we can also be sociable, charming, cultivated and, if necessary, also feel a penchant for pleasure within us. On the other hand, due to the “Taurus Moon”, we could react prudently to other people and, as a result, view sudden changes or even complicated life events from a feeling of calm. “Taurus moons” also like to ensure that we approach tasks with calm and also with enormous stamina/persistence. An opposite reaction would be a certain sluggishness or lethargy that we could then feel within ourselves. Of course, our current living conditions and our own mental orientation also play a role here (a fact that I have often pointed out in my daily energy articles), i.e. our state of mind can be influenced by the moon's influences, but it still depends on each person It depends on how he reacts to corresponding life circumstances and, above all, which thoughts/feelings he legitimizes in his own mind. Mindfulness is therefore an aspect that is always worth mentioning, because the more mindful we are in dealing with our own inner world, the easier it is for us to remain calm and react to external circumstances with more calm. Well, apart from the influences of the “Taurus Moon”, as already mentioned, we also have the influences of four different star constellations. A square between the Moon and Mars came into effect at 01:03 a.m., which in turn could encourage moodiness, hasty actions and quarrels, at least at night.

Anyone who knows the goal can decide. Whoever decides finds peace. Anyone who finds peace is safe. If you are sure, you can think about it. Anyone who thinks about it can improve. – Confucius..!!

At 07:50 a.m. a conjunction between the Moon and Uranus will take effect again, which represents strange habits and a certain imbalance. A few minutes later, at 08:16 a.m. to be precise, we reach a trine between the Moon and Saturn, which represents a more pronounced sense of responsibility, organizational talent and sense of duty. Based on this constellation, we could also pursue our goals with care and consideration. Last but not least, at 18:41 p.m. the sun forms a trine with the moon (yin-yang), through which we could experience happiness in general, life success, health well-being, vitality and harmony with our partner. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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