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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy on November 30, 2020 brings us, on the one hand, the final energies of November and, on the other hand, the strong incoming or even completing energies of an icy penumbra lunar eclipse (partial lunar eclipse). In this context, I would like to point out the incredible magic and effectiveness that a lunar eclipse generally brings with it.

Icy penumbra lunar eclipse

For example, a full moon represents completion, closure, perfection, but also a certain highlighting of one's own dark parts. In this regard, the moon shines with full intensity, i.e. it shines through the darkness and consequently shows us unfulfilled aspects of ourselves that ultimately need to be clarified. A darkness also targets our hidden and subconscious parts. The moon, representing femininity and emotionality, can therefore, as it reaches its full form, also ask us to harmonize our feminine inner aspects. I would also like a section from the page to match this newslichter.de quote:

“A full moon is always the culmination of the sun-moon cycle. A lunar eclipse amplifies the effect of a full moon immensely. Eclipses come in cycles and always indicate completion or the pinnacle of development, coupled with a need to close, let go, or leave the past behind. A lunar eclipse is like a gigantic full moon. If the light comes back after the maximum darkening, nothing remains hidden - the bright full moon acts like a spotlight that brings light into the darkness.

What is a lunar eclipse?

During a lunar eclipse, the Earth moves between the sun and the moon. This can only happen during a full moon. Eclipses bring a blockage of light. They mark the seed moment of a new time, a new quality that wants to unfold and grow. The moon represents the unconscious, our intuition and instincts. A lunar eclipse has less of an external impact than a solar eclipse. When the moon eclipses, it affects our unconscious. We gain insights into hidden and split-off parts of the soul that can make us aware of our deepest fundamentals. That's why we can now become frighteningly aware of psychological complications, which can lead to ending unhealthy relationships. Lunar eclipses can certainly trigger family and relationship dramas. Eclipses bring fateful changes. We now have the opportunity to take our lives in a new direction.”

Today's eclipse begins at 08:30 a.m. and ends at 12:56 p.m. And during the peak at 10:43 a.m. the full moon reaches us around 10:28 a.m. to be exact. For this reason, strong energetic impulses and information reach us throughout the day, but especially in the early morning and mid-morning (Encodings). And due to the current intensity, the huge upheavals in the world (as described in yesterday’s daily energy article – the illusion system falls/end time), the full moon or the eclipse will have a particularly strong impact on all of us. Currently, fateful and incredibly significant things are happening every day. The Matrix ends and Light raises all of human civilization. We are growing completely beyond ourselves and are gradually ending our human incarnation.


We are gods having a human experience, a process that takes place because we identify with being human and, as a result, do countless things that in turn bind us to humanity. The next step is therefore the experience of divine existence. This manifestation will now gradually become anchored in the collective. Well, today's icy penumbral lunar eclipse marks another important transition into the final month of the first year of the golden decade that has begun. As a result, temperatures are also falling today (Subzero temperatures at night), which is why we are fully prepared for the winter season. A final time of withdrawal, after which everything is finally transformed. Well, last but not least, I would like to refer you again to the medicinal plants course, which has been on 70% sale since Friday. The campaign was supposed to last until last night, but we have now extended it by another day, i.e. until this evening due to the high response. So if you haven't joined yet, today is your opportunity (click here for the course: MEDICINAL PLANT MAGIC). With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂


Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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    • Gabriele Schmitz 1. December 2020, 9: 27

      A beautiful good morning!
      I just read (December 1.12.2020, 70) that the medicinal plant course can be booked at XNUMX% of the price. Does this perhaps still apply to me?
      Kind regards

    Gabriele Schmitz 1. December 2020, 9: 27

    A beautiful good morning!
    I just read (December 1.12.2020, 70) that the medicinal plant course can be booked at XNUMX% of the price. Does this perhaps still apply to me?
    Kind regards
