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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy on November 30th, 2019 is mainly shaped by the final energies of November and therefore by the December transition energies. In this context, this also ends Extremely transformative and realigning November, a month that not only gave us a strong look into our own true inner life, but also confronted us, especially in the second half, with our own deeply hidden shadows.

Energetic influences for the coming month

Rarely has a month been as intense, or rather magical, as it was in November. But that was in no way surprising, because we are basically in a phase in which we are exposed to permanent frequency increases. An ever-increasing magic can therefore be felt by all of us, the same applies to a significantly changed/more sensitive perception. The senses are significantly sharper and our spiritual expansion towards fullness is experiencing ever-increasing realization. Ultimately, this situation will intensify again in December (a month that also gives us a lot of portal days: from December 05th to 14th there are 10 portal days in a row and on December 24th and 27th - otherwise a full moon reaches us on December 12th and on the 26th December a new moon) and the realization of your own ideas deeply anchored in the subconscious (fulfilled expectations on our part), to create an inner space in which significantly more abundance is present, will now gain tremendous momentum in December. At the end of the day, December marks the last month of this decade and takes us into a golden time or a golden decade.

Black Shift

Another Black Shift reached us yesterday, a circumstance that once again illustrates the consciousness-altering intensity of the last days of November. A special magic prevails and we carry it with us into the last month of this decade..!!

To revive an inner state characterized by feelings of fullness (whereby we automatically attract abundance on the outside - as on the inside, so on the outside, as on the outside, so on the inside), will therefore be the main topic in December, which is why we should definitely embrace this rapid development instead of continuing to remain in a state of lack, guilt and fear. Well, I would also like to add a very relevant section from the page regarding the December energies soulen-impulse.de quote:

We are at a TURNING POINT right now. And every single person now determines with their choice, whether consciously or unconsciously or by remaining unclear/uncertain/undecided (that is also a choice), the direction of their life's journey and the experiences therein. “Man’s will is his kingdom of heaven”… and “The world belongs to the brave”…. applies more than ever. By 'courageous' we mean willingness to change. Anyone who is not willing to do this and prefers to cling to “certainties” and habits - often out of fear and comfort - will see it clearly in their own lives, where it no longer makes sense to hold on to them any longer. There will be an energetic imbalance in the area in question, a deficiency. Every deficiency is based on narrowing, rigidity and adherence to the status quo. However, the new energy frequencies want to carry us into abundance and lightness on all levels.

However, this is only possible if you are willing, in a figurative sense, to trustfully open your hands and release what you have been holding on to - these can be people, but also old beliefs, ideas or vows given, such as a marriage vow, an oath, etc Only when you agree to let go of what weighs you down, robs you of your energy, makes you dependent and unfree - and you can endure the moment of emptiness and uncertainty - will you be READY TO RECEIVE. Overcome the fear of loss. Let it free. Because everything you hold on to also has you under control - this also applies to your past and the dark history within it. You now have the chance for a radical realignment by choosing the burden, the lack and the suffering to turn your back on your heart and soul and choose your HAPPINESS instead. Just like you see on the map... turn from the dark thorny bushes towards the light. You can now plant the seeds for a whole new chapter in your life book. This is pure GRACE. However, it will not happen automatically. It requires your crystal clear focus and your clear active action steps in the direction you want and desire.

Ultimately, our personal transformation will experience a special finale in December and will definitely allow us to grow beyond ourselves. The end of this decade is near and we can be excited to see to what extent we will immerse ourselves in our own creative power. Everything can be experienced. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂


Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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    • Gabriele Litwinschuh 30. November 2019, 21: 44

      Thank you

    Gabriele Litwinschuh 30. November 2019, 21: 44

    Thank you
