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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on March 30, 2018 is very stormy in nature, especially as the influences of a portal day reach us. In exactly the same way, the influences of yesterday's portal day also flow here (two portal days in a row), which is why the energetic circumstance is generally very strong. For this reason, today is perfect for either introspecting and thinking about your own life, i.e. about your current one to deal with your state of being (reflection on your own life) or to work with full energy on the manifestation of new projects.

Moon moves into the zodiac sign Libra

Moon moves into the zodiac sign Libra

Ultimately, due to the strong cosmic radiation that comes with it, portal days have a significant influence on our own mind/body/spirit system, which is why, at least in my experience, we feel either very energetic and joyful, or exhausted and lethargic. For example, on yesterday's portal day I was very, very tired. At the same time, I was very unfocused overall, which is why I withdrew a little and gave myself up to rest. But there have also been portal days when I felt extremely dynamic and really radiated energy. On the other hand, I have also come to important realizations about my own life on corresponding days. Of course, it should be said at this point that we can also experience all of these circumstances and states of mind on other days, but one of these extremes is experienced, especially on portal days. Otherwise, portal days particularly reflect our own current life circumstances and allow us to recognize life circumstances that are destructive in nature, which is why they are important days in the current process of awakening. Well, apart from the portal day, we also have other influences, to be precise two harmonious lunar constellations. So at 04:35 a.m. a trine (harmonic angular relationship 120°) between the Moon and Pluto (in the zodiac sign Capricorn) came into effect, through which we could have experienced a more pronounced emotional life, at least during these hours. This harmonious connection also awakened our sentimental nature and strengthened our spiritual and intuitive connection. At 06:58 a.m. a sextile (harmonic angular relationship - 60°) between the Moon and Jupiter (in the zodiac sign Scorpio) came into effect, which meant that social success and material gains were in the foreground in the morning.

Today's daily energy is overall very changeable or stormy in nature - a circumstance that is particularly related to the portal day. For this reason, we could deal with the influences in very different ways. Everything is possible..!!

On the other hand, this connection gave us a positive outlook on life and made us very optimistic. Today's start to the day can therefore be very promising and have some positive surprises in store for us. Last but not least, the moon moves into the zodiac sign Libra at 19:51 p.m., which means we could be cheerful and open-minded in the next two and a half days. In this context, Libra moons also tend to awaken a desire for harmony, love and partnership in us, which means we could be quite romantic and really enjoy closeness and tenderness. Ultimately, however, it should be said that today's daily energy is very changeable in nature. On the one hand, we have two harmonious moon constellations and in the evening the Libra moon could awaken a desire for love and partnership in us. On the other hand, due to the portal day, we are experiencing a very strong energetic situation, which is why it is difficult to assess how the energies will affect us. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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Moon Constellations Source: https://www.schicksal.com/Horoskope/Tageshoroskop/2018/Maerz/30

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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