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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on June 30, 2018 is mainly shaped by the influences of the moon, which in turn changed into the zodiac sign Aquarius at 06:36 a.m. and will now bring us influences for two to three days, through which our relationship with friends, brotherhood, social issues and entertainment in general can be in the foreground.

Moon in Aquarius

Moon in AquariusOtherwise, the "Aquarius moon" could also trigger a certain urge for freedom in us. As far as that is concerned, Aquarius moons as a whole also stand for freedom, independence and personal responsibility. For this reason, the next two and a half days will be perfect for working on the manifestation of a responsible approach to our own lives. At the same time, our self-realization and the associated manifestation of a state of consciousness are now in the foreground, from which a freedom-oriented reality emerges. Freedom is even a big keyword in this context, because on days when the moon is in Aquarius, we could long for a feeling of freedom very much. In that regard, freedom is also something that, as I've mentioned many times in my articles, is very important to our own thriving. The more we deprive ourselves of our freedom in this respect - be it for example through precarious working conditions that make us unhappy or even through various dependencies, the more lasting effects this has on our own mental state. Ultimately, it is therefore extremely important for our own development, at least in the long term, to create a living situation that is characterized by freedom or a feeling of freedom. Well then, apart from the pure influences of the "Aquarius moon", three different constellations, to be precise three disharmonious constellations, also have an effect on us. In this context, at 10:00 a.m. and 10:37 a.m., two of these constellations will also come into effect, one being an opposition between the Moon and Mercury and one being a square between the Moon and Uranus.

The lives of all living beings, whether human, animal or otherwise, are precious and all have the same right to be happy. Everything that populates our planet, the birds and the wild animals are our companions. They are part of our world, we share it with them. – Dalai Lama..!!

The constellations could also make us eccentric, idiosyncratic, fanatical, extravagant, irritable and moody. At 15:01 p.m. a square between Mercury and Uranus becomes active again (which affects us for a whole day), which can make us more uncontrolled and also more unpredictable than usual. At the end of the day, this constellation also favors failures, which in turn would be due to hasty action. But what exactly will happen or what will happen to us and how we will perceive the day depends exclusively on ourselves and the use of our own mental abilities. In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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Moon Constellations Source: https://www.schicksal.com/Horoskope/Tageshoroskop/2018/Juni/30

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