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Today's daily energy on April 30, 2020 is mainly composed of the final influences of April, preparing us for the new month of May. On the other hand, it also took place tonight at 03:09 a.m A moon change took place and the moon changed to the zodiac sign Leo. The new month is therefore directly influenced by the basic energy of Leo, i.e. the month is introduced with the energies of the Leo Moon.

The coming month of May

The coming month of MayThe lion is particularly associated with self-confidence, self-confidence and, above all, a strong belief in one's own abilities. The unfulfilled aspects are in turn reflected in a strong ego overactivity, especially in relation to an overly pronounced external orientation, an external presentation or even a lack of self-confidence. Above all, self-confidence should be particularly emphasized here, because basically self-confidence means being aware of oneself or one's true divine self. The less this is the case, the less you know about yourself (lack of knowledge about one's own existence, encouraged by a system that keeps the masses small, ignorant and manipulable - to maintain and ensure our control - "The true rulers of the world/system") and thereby maintains a minimal self-image (“I am just a human being” – “I am small, insignificant, just a speck of dust in space” – “I know nothing, I am nothing, I can do nothing, I am nothing special, etc. ") i.e. the less you CONSCIOUSLY act/experience from your own creative spirit and above all from your own HEART, the more you allow yourself to be guided by 3D structures and create a reality that is based on deception, manipulation and LIMITATION Deception, manipulation and limitation are characterized.

Expand the mind towards the divine

Every seeing through one's own shadow parts and, above all, every seeing through of all apparent structures on the outside (related to the system), makes us more connected to nature and more spiritually open in this regard (For example, if you realize that pharmaceutical companies are merely commercial enterprises that make profit from sick people and therefore need sick people for their economic existence & therefore work against health/healing, if you understand that medications only treat symptoms, but not the cause of an illness that healing can only be brought about by yourself, for example by resolving your own conflicts - bringing your mind into harmony and in combination with a natural diet, then this new knowledge makes you freer, more connected to nature and, above all, more powerful - than yourself frees himself from a self-created dependency, because previously illnesses triggered a feeling of helplessness, “only a doctor can help me/I have no idea myself/I don’t know what to do/I don’t know how healing works” – through this knowledge you get to know yourself better and gain deep insights into true remedies - YOU BECOME FREER, MORE DIVINE). Corresponding knowledge allows us to find more about ourselves, i.e. we have more self-confidence, we are more aware of our true self (the true self is always based on healing, wisdom, self-responsibility, self-love, divinity, etc.). Well, the beginning of May will certainly reflect to us parts through which we still limit ourselves and, above all, are subject to self-imposed deception/low-frequency structures. This aspect will be extremely pronounced, especially at the beginning of the month.

What will happen in May?

After all, a mass awakening is currently taking place and the collective is completely changing in its direction. The time has now begun when humanity will find its way back to itself and, at the same time, recognize, cleanse and transform all old structures. As a result, the apparent system becomes more and more fragile until the current system falls completely and everything is revealed to us - a corresponding event is on its way to us. May will therefore promote precisely this ascension and lead us all even deeper into new structures and, above all, into new knowledge. The change will progress even more violently and we will also experience an even greater influx of awakened people. On the other hand, we will experience an even greater division within our society as a result. As we experience an even greater increase in awakened people in May, the friction between the increasing awakening masses and the system-compliant people will also be more pronounced. Nevertheless, this division will also be overturned in the near future, because as I said - even if it is not always clear to some, the INFLUX OF AWAKENED PEOPLE IS CURRENTLY HUGE. Well, May, which as we all know stands for spring like no other month, will on the other hand also bring us energies of upswing and growth. Nature serves as a perfect model for this and can be transferred 1:1 to all of us. Ultimately, we should join in with this natural rhythm and embrace the energies of blossoming. We can now achieve an incredible amount and develop ourselves mentally to the maximum. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂
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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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    • Mona 30. April 2020, 18: 09

      The 3D fake system makes life hell for me and my child (youth welfare office) and more than 12 people earn money from the child.
      I was full of hope, but now after the Corona break, they are tightening the noose.
      And please don't have any prejudices, like the youth welfare office doesn't come without reason. These are criminals.

    • Robin 2. May 2020, 14: 45

      Through targeted work on yourself (meditation, self-reflection, living in the here and now) you can become one with God (=good). Every day, every moment you can decide to stand for the good and do good. And this is the first step towards a new, golden time. Good things infect good things, like things are reflected by like things. Do good and good things will happen to you 🙂

    Robin 2. May 2020, 14: 45

    Through targeted work on yourself (meditation, self-reflection, living in the here and now) you can become one with God (=good). Every day, every moment you can decide to stand for the good and do good. And this is the first step towards a new, golden time. Good things infect good things, like things are reflected by like things. Do good and good things will happen to you 🙂

    • Mona 30. April 2020, 18: 09

      The 3D fake system makes life hell for me and my child (youth welfare office) and more than 12 people earn money from the child.
      I was full of hope, but now after the Corona break, they are tightening the noose.
      And please don't have any prejudices, like the youth welfare office doesn't come without reason. These are criminals.

    • Robin 2. May 2020, 14: 45

      Through targeted work on yourself (meditation, self-reflection, living in the here and now) you can become one with God (=good). Every day, every moment you can decide to stand for the good and do good. And this is the first step towards a new, golden time. Good things infect good things, like things are reflected by like things. Do good and good things will happen to you 🙂

    Robin 2. May 2020, 14: 45

    Through targeted work on yourself (meditation, self-reflection, living in the here and now) you can become one with God (=good). Every day, every moment you can decide to stand for the good and do good. And this is the first step towards a new, golden time. Good things infect good things, like things are reflected by like things. Do good and good things will happen to you 🙂
