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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy on September 30, 2020 is mainly characterized by the lingering influences of an open portal, i.e. as a result of extremely strong frequency influences, because yesterday we received a portal day (das war with last one this month - by the way, these are the portal days in October: 04. 07. 12. 18. 25. 26) and on the other hand from continued very strong solar winds and the resulting fluctuations in the earth's magnetic field (At least the last few days have been permanently characterized by stronger solar winds - it is therefore definitely possible that this will continue).

Fluctuations in the EARTH'S MAGNETIC FIELD

Fluctuations in the EARTH'S MAGNETIC FIELDIn this context you can see the diagram from Space weather prediction center also see the values ​​of the last two days again. You can also clearly see the strong swings. On September 28th in particular, we received a particularly strong rash of strength Kp 6, which was definitely noticeable, although it should generally be noted that the current strong solar winds, yesterday's portal day and the associated intense end of September are permanently noticeable and still accompanied by a strong cleaning effect. It still flows through me strongly and at times it is difficult for me to concentrate fully on something. In this regard, we are currently going through one of the STORMYEST times ever, in which our entire system is not only “reset”, but also flooded with strong impulses. The days also feel like an impressive rearrangement in which you are confronted with all the inner conflicts and disharmonious circumstances in a way you rarely experience. It is therefore an important new order that is incredibly useful for our own further development, because only when we free ourselves internally, only when we break out of self-imposed cycles, can we as SOURCE/CREATORS create a world on the outside that is in turn liberated or frees itself - everything ALWAYS arises from our inner world, and the key to manifesting a free world lies within ourselves. The more we break out of 3D structures, the more this process can become reality on the outside. An example would be breaking an addiction or even changing an eating habit.

→ Prepare for what is to come. Learn to take care of yourself and use the HEALING POWER of nature. A detailed INSTRUCTIONS for collecting medicinal plants. Maximum closeness to nature!

Avoiding animal products, which is not only incredibly stimulating for your own organism (divine/natural/healing/high frequency nutrition), but also prevents a lot of animal suffering and, at the same time, makes old structures of the pseudo-system superfluous (E.g. barbaric animal husbandry or animal husbandry in general), as a result, as this new habit/action is now part of one's reality/imagination, more people adopt this lifestyle (Not only do you tell other people about it, broadcast it, etc. You influence the entire collective on a spiritual level, because you yourself are connected to everything as a source - energy always follows your own attention). The current days are truly days of internal reorganization and allow the collective to swing to a new level. You free yourself from your own legacy and thereby give the collective the opportunity to free itself from legacy issues. For this reason, we should use the days fully for our inner development and completely surrender to the flow of life and, above all, our own inner voice. We currently have gigantic potential. The gates are open!!!! With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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    • Sandra Ahyoka.Maka 30. September 2020, 7: 42

      Thanks for this great text! Really good information, well packaged! 🙂 I’m very happy to share! All love!

    • Barbara 30. September 2020, 9: 39

      It's always a pleasure to read your comments and it all feels very encouraging. Have a wonderful day LG

    Barbara 30. September 2020, 9: 39

    It's always a pleasure to read your comments and it all feels very encouraging. Have a wonderful day LG

    • Sandra Ahyoka.Maka 30. September 2020, 7: 42

      Thanks for this great text! Really good information, well packaged! 🙂 I’m very happy to share! All love!

    • Barbara 30. September 2020, 9: 39

      It's always a pleasure to read your comments and it all feels very encouraging. Have a wonderful day LG

    Barbara 30. September 2020, 9: 39

    It's always a pleasure to read your comments and it all feels very encouraging. Have a wonderful day LG
