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Today's daily energy on September 29th, 2018 is mainly shaped by the influences of the moon, which in turn changes to the zodiac sign Gemini at noon at 15:25 p.m. and from then on gives us influences through which we can clearly may be more inquisitive than usual and also more communicative overall. For this reason, the next 2-3 days will be a good time for all kinds of communication, i.e. meetings with friends, family and also training courses etc. could now particularly benefit us.

Moon in the zodiac sign Gemini

Moon in the zodiac sign GeminiBut the increased thirst for knowledge can also create special circumstances and can also benefit us greatly, especially in the current very intensive but nevertheless transformative phase. Some people are increasingly dealing with spiritual topics, perhaps even topics that fit the current pseudo-system, and are dealing with elementary questions in life. As a result, we are interested in knowledge that previously did not fit into our own worldview and consequently benefit from a mental state that is much more open or, to be more precise, non-judgmental. A certain impartiality could also come into play here, which would make it much easier for us to deal with relevant topics. In this regard, an appropriate impartiality is also extremely important when it comes to broadening one's own horizons. Otherwise, we become increasingly stuck in self-imposed beliefs and fail to open our minds to the supposedly “unknown”.

Go within yourself and get the knowledge from your own self. You are the greatest book that ever was and ever will be. All external instruction is in vain as long as the inner teacher does not awaken. It must cause the book of the heart to open in order to be valuable. – Swami Vivekânanda..!!

Of course, this can also benefit our development process, especially since such a phase would also represent part of our own soul plan, but we would still stand in the way of spiritual expansion (of course our own mind is constantly expanding with new experiences and life situations, but it can this expansion can take place on a “small” or “large” scale). Well, since the current phase brings with it a lot of changes and also promotes a strong reorientation (which I am currently experiencing very strongly), today and the coming days can once again legitimize new beliefs and knowledge in one's own Favor spirits. On the other hand, it should be said that the moon in the zodiac sign Gemini can also give us other influences. In this context, I would like to quote another section from the website astroschmid.ch regarding the Gemini Moon:

“Diverse, stimulating contacts without heavy emotions are more important than deep passions. People with a moon in Gemini are bright, agile, clever, often very well-read and witty. Good speakers who easily achieve success in public through a skillful, diplomatic demeanor. Wanting to do and achieve too much at the same time, then nothing, tendency to fragmentation and sometimes insincerity.

The intellect is usually stronger than the emotions. The Moon in Gemini allows the emotional life to swing back and forth easily, responding to every change in the environment without committing to a particular thing. So you are more inclined to think of a solution for each individual problem than to make basic decisions. That makes you a little restless. You have ingenuity and a quick comprehension. On the other hand, they are restless and nervous, getting excited by too many ideas and soon abandoning them.

The full Moon in Gemini is interested and communicative. He has a quick comprehension. Ingenuity and thirst for knowledge go hand in hand with varied and lively expression of emotions. He loves conversations and discussions, but is more skeptical than gullible in emotional matters. The path leads through the mind to feelings, which also contain rich wishes and hopes.”

In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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