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Today's daily energy on November 29, 2018 is mainly shaped by the moon, which in turn changes to the zodiac sign Virgo at 12:07 p.m. and from then on gives us influences that could make us much more analytical and critical overall. As a result, we could also be in a much more productive and health-conscious mood than usual, a circumstance that helps us can ultimately be quite beneficial.

Fears evaporate

Fears evaporateOn the other hand, I would also like to point out the current very special energy quality. In this context, most of you have noticed (experienced) that the past few months have been extremely stormy in terms of intensity. In some cases there were also energetic movements that brought with them incredible potential. October in particular, but also November (especially the first 20 days), was able to transport some inner conflicts and disagreements into our daily consciousness. We have therefore been called upon to join the increased planetary resonance frequency and this is always accompanied by very exhausting and unveiling processes; here we also like to speak of profound cleansing processes. Of course, these cleansing processes are still ongoing, there is no question about it, an intensification is constantly taking place during this special time, but, as suspected, you can feel a certain change in this energy quality. We are now perceived to be transported into a phase of action and self-overcoming, a circumstance that is also foreseen for the time of spiritual awakening (Recognize – act – revolution). In this context, I experience this not only in my immediate environment or even within various social media activities, but also in my life. In the last few days, primarily yesterday and today, I was able to make enormous progress and overcome some inner fears (regarding topics that will soon be addressed in the form of a few videos). Somehow I am now much more centered and feel a certain, very familiar but unfamiliar strength within me that is difficult to describe. Even as I write this article, I am incredibly pushed inside and feel an “extraordinary sense of well-being” within me.

When our mindfulness includes those we love, they bloom like flowers. – Thich Nhat Hanh..!!

Whether this is also, as already mentioned in yesterday's daily energy article, with the daily "Forest shakesand the liveliness that comes with it?! There is definitely a connection here and it is no coincidence that the current quality of energy has led me to this aspect of life. Well, it is definitely a very special time and due to the quality of energy, a lot of things are certainly possible for us at the moment. Of course, such life feelings can also change, and opposite experiences can also become manifest, but all of this, at least for me personally, represents a clear indication of the ever-increasing manifestation of the “new” phase in the process of spiritual awakening. We are coupling We become more and more detached from the matrix illusion system and increasingly experience a conscious connection to our true nature. Well, last but not least, I would like to draw attention to a latest video, which is again about a joint conversation with Marek from SuccessfulGlücklich and myself. We addressed a wide variety of topics regarding spiritual awakening and also philosophized about the coming time. If you're interested, you're welcome to take a look, we've definitely put a lot of effort into it. 🙂 With that in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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