≡ Menus

Today's daily energy on July 29, 2019 is shaped on the one hand by the moon, which in turn changes to the zodiac sign Cancer at 13:25 p.m. and from then on gives us new impulses and on the other hand by the final July energies. This extremely insightful and transformative month will end in exactly three days and will then lead us into the last month of midsummer (August).

Moon moves into the zodiac sign Cancer

Moon moves into the zodiac sign CancerThe month of August will also be characterized by maximum abundance. This is how we reap the fruits of our seeds (not just the seeds of past months - Our perseverance and work within the process of spiritual awakening is rewarded - Our existence alone flows into the collective, - we are connected to everything - Everything is one and one is everything - Our common work therefore already has achieved incredible things collectively) and will be able to completely immerse themselves in states of abundance, a circumstance that has already been announced in the past two months. Basically, this could be very noticeable in the last few days. The days were extremely stormy and sometimes very intense (what became noticeable, for example, during strong changes in the weather - storms in particular made the transformative circumstance clear), but a lot of clarification also took place, i.e. old deficiency-based energies or rather structures left our system, which made room for new high-frequency structures/states.

In order to experience Nirvana, you don't need to remove yourself from this world, because what is there is already Nirvana - in the here and now. – Alan Watts..!!

And we as creators or origins ourselves are now given the opportunity to revive states of abundance, a gift that we should give ourselves - ultimately, instead of continuing to maintain lack. And today's moon change will definitely benefit us. The moon in the zodiac sign Cancer favors the development of deep mental states. It therefore allows our mental life to flourish, makes us dreamy, sensitive, empathetic and, above all, open to new conditions. Well, ultimately we should use the final July energies and begin the transition into August with an abundance mindset. In this way we are laying a perfect foundation for the coming weeks. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂


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