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portal day

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Today's daily energy on August 29, 2018 is shaped by the fact that today is a portal day. Ultimately, at least from an energetic point of view, the day will be quite intense in nature, especially since we have been in the last few days strong solar winds also reached. In combination, this suggests a day that, on the one hand, could be perceived as strenuous (for example, I have felt very, very tired in the last few days), but on the other hand, it has tremendous potential.

Portal tag influences

portal dayOtherwise, this portal day, which is also the last portal day of this month, also represents the beginning of the end of a month, which gave us quite strong energies, especially towards the end. Basically, this month is a special exception compared to the last 2-3 months and was able to trigger a lot in us, especially from an energetic/spiritual point of view. We can therefore also be curious to see to what extent the effects of this stormy conclusion will be on the coming month, i.e. whether the collective awakening will experience a massive acceleration as a result, to what extent this acceleration will be noticeable and, above all, to what extent new ones will occur Views, beliefs, behaviors, etc. will change/consolidate within us. In any case, my feeling tells me that the coming month will bring with it a lot of changes and new twists. There is also the possibility that the coming month will exceed the current month in terms of intensity, even if I can't estimate that yet, but after what has happened this could definitely happen. Nevertheless, we shouldn't get too rigid about it and instead look forward to today's portal day influences. Incidentally, the influences of the “Aries Moon” continue to affect us today, which could give us a greater sense of responsibility, increased sharpness, more enthusiasm, vitality and also more assertiveness.

In order to help others through our words and actions, it makes sense to cultivate an attitude of joy for the achievements and happiness of others. This attitude is an effective antidote to envy, which is not only a source of unnecessary suffering at the individual level, but also a barrier to dialogue. – Dalai Lama..!!

The Aries Moon also represents greater confidence in our own abilities and generally gives us energies through which we could experience an increase in life energy (inner drive). Whether we experience the relevant circumstances/conditions remains to be seen. As always, our own spiritual orientation flows into this. We could also experience the opposite due to the lingering influences of the solar wind. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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