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Today's daily energy on April 29, 2019 is characterized on the one hand by a change of the moon, because the moon changed to the zodiac sign Pisces at 00:11 in the night, which means that completely new impulses reach us, and on the other hand by strong cosmic influences. In this context, April 27th was also a portal day, i.e. strong energies were generally manifested on this day.

Another resonance frequency update

Pisces MoonThe lingering energies were also very noticeable yesterday, that's what the weekend was like (On which, by the way, I didn't publish any daily energy articles - because I gave myself completely to peace/love and a special connection) for example, at least for me personally, very intense, but ultimately full of love and magic. I gave myself completely to a very special circumstance and consequently enjoyed the days with passion and dedication. These days were also all about opening the heart and purifying it, with these two aspects being present throughout, especially in the current phase of spiritual awakening. Our heart opening and the associated breaking of our own self-imposed limits, the overcoming of all our negative programs and dependency (destructive addictions) based ideas are increasingly coming to an end and we are about to rise like a phoenix from the ashes. This incredible potential prevails throughout this context and we can therefore continue to achieve an incredible amount. So let's continue to take advantage of the opportunity and start making all of our dreams come true, creating the best version of ourselves. Well, the moon in the zodiac sign Pisces can also help us with this and let us experience very sensitive moods.

The way is not in heaven. The path lies in the heart. – Buddha..!!

After all, the “Pisces Moon” goes hand in hand with the following aspects: “Empathy, compassion, receptivity, creativity, sensitivity, sensitive moods and a rich inner life“. On the other hand, the Pisces Moon also allows us to dream much more expressively and leads us increasingly into meditative states. The influences are also reinforced by the planetary resonance frequency, which has once again been of a very strong nature, especially in the last two days (see picture below, – source: Russian Space Observing Center).  Russian Space Observing Center

Ultimately, things continue to be very “exciting” and we can continue to make big leaps. Clarity and the associated focus on big ideas that have always wanted to be realized (for example, a complete change in our inner world - maximum strength, whereby we also completely change the outer world - imagining the best version of ourselves), that's why it's in the foreground. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

I am happy about any support ❤ 

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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