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Today's daily energy on October 28, 2018 is still dominated by the moon in Gemini, which allows us to continue to be more communicative and inquisitive. An inner urge to deal with fundamental knowledge, to consider new approaches and, if necessary, to exchange ideas with other people, yes, maybe just to get things off your chest, all these aspects can now continue to be very present.

Still Moon in Gemini

Still Moon in GeminiHowever, the communicative aspect in particular will be very much in the foreground and will be responsible for the fact that we would like to exchange ideas with friends and family about certain topics. We may also confide in someone and thereby reveal inner desires, ambitions or even current problems. Even if we reveal everyday things to someone, i.e. situations and experiences that may appear "insignificant", it could do our soul good. In that regard, it can also sometimes be very important to talk about the current experience with someone else, just to share your inner world with another person, to get things off your chest, instead of just sorting out experiences with yourself . An experience that I have even had several times in the last few days (for example the evening before yesterday simply reviewing the experiences of the past week with a good friend and immediately consciously perceived/felt how good it was for my soul - somehow completely this time experienced differently), i.e. the communicative aspect of the moon in the zodiac sign Gemini showed its effect. Well then, apart from that it should be said that on October 29th the moon will also change back to the zodiac sign Cancer, which means that dreamy moods, calm and our soul forces can be in the foreground until the end of the month. The end of the month could therefore prompt us once again to "throw" a deeper look into our own inner world.

The unmanifest frees you only when you consciously step into it. That is why Jesus does not say: "The truth will set you free", but: "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free." - Eckhart Tolle..!!

November is then in turn initiated by the zodiac sign Leo, i.e. opposite moods/experiences could initiate the new month. A month that I'm really looking forward to. I'm also curious how the energy quality will develop. It remains to be seen whether November will be even more intense and exciting, at least from an energetic point of view. In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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