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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy on March 28, 2021 is characterized by an extremely powerful and, above all, completing super full moon in the zodiac sign Libra, which in turn becomes manifest towards the evening at 20:46 p.m. and throughout the day with energetic influences of fulfillment, perfection and manifestation comes along. In addition, relationships are also in the spotlight during today's full moon day Foreground. This can ultimately affect countless personal relationships, be it partnerships, family relationships or even relationships with friends who want to achieve harmony/healing. And since at the end of the day everything on the outside is just a reflection of our inner world, today the main focus today will be on the relationship/connection with ourselves.

Maximum effectiveness – pure magic

Maximum effectiveness - pure magicIn this context, these influences will also be extremely strong, because as already mentioned, the influences of a super full moon reach us. Ultimately, this means a full moon that has reached its closest point to the earth and consequently has a maximum effect on us (which is why a super full moon also shines much brighter and appears much larger than usual in the night sky). So the intensity is much greater and will intensify all actions and imaginations on our part. And in combination with the spring energies (which are also anchored across the board today) and above all the fact that this super full moon represents the first full moon within the astronomical year (Spring full moon - since the beginning of the new year on March 20th - equinox) also clarifies its importance and above all its immense influence on ourselves and nature. With the greatest power, our existence should be brought into a state of abundance and make harmony or perfection visible in the current days (the world only becomes perfect when we become so inwardly. Only when we immerse ourselves in a state of perfection can this sensation become overarchingly manifest. The world then gradually experiences an alignment with our fulfilled spiritual state). This is exactly how the Libra Supermoon perfectly reflects the principle of balance. As already mentioned in the previous daily energy articles, it is of utmost importance to revive a state of balance in order to master the earth game and, above all, to master/heal one's own incarnation/creation. Immeasurable powers are hidden in the golden mean. It is a circumstance of harmony, a balance of power, that allows the ascension of the collective spirit to be completed. The return or return of a divine civilization that is free from all deficiencies, burdens, suffering and fears. As I said, each of us as creators can achieve states that currently exceed the imagination of many people. Conditions from which truly miracles can be achieved. Conditions that come with forces beyond anything imaginable.

→ DON’T BE FEAR of a crisis. Don't be afraid of bottlenecks, but LEARN TO SUPPORT YOURSELF ALWAYS AND AT ANY TIME. This course will teach you how to collect basic food (MEDICAL PLANTS) from nature on a daily basis. Anywhere and especially at any time!!!! RAISE YOUR SPIRIT!!!! Heavily reduced for a short time only!!!!!

To put it concretely, physical immortality, a reversal of one's own aging process, teleportation, telekinesis, direct mental materialization/dematerialization, pyrokinesis, levitation, all of this IS POSSIBLE and we will see it in the coming years, a time in which, as I said, there will be a progressive return of the gods takes place (and these gods are ourselves - the human being who has overcome his earthly existence and has fully realized his highest self-image on all levels of existence - the fully awakened galactic "human being"). But until then, it is important to continue to master yourself to the maximum, for the benefit of existence as a whole, for the benefit of your own self and, above all, for the benefit of the collective spirit. So let's celebrate today's super full moon and welcome the high magic influences. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Leave a Comment

    • Steffi Temme 29. March 2021, 15: 21

      That's so true I don't want to say more because I feel the same way.
      Thank you

    Steffi Temme 29. March 2021, 15: 21

    That's so true I don't want to say more because I feel the same way.
    Thank you
