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Today's daily energy on July 28, 2020 will continue to be shaped by the moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio on the one hand and by the current ascension and transformation energies on the other hand. In this context, today is even going with a strong energy of a new beginning, because the crescent day before yesterday was also very much marked by another event, namely the planetary New Year.

Into a NEW cycle

In this context, I only found out about the planetary new year yesterday, which is why this information is reaching you a little late. This is specifically about the annual entry into a phase of new beginnings (similar to the day of the astrological start of the year on March 21st), which is accompanied by an incredibly clear energy and therefore represents a moment that in turn marks a significant new beginning. This energy builds up until July 08th, 2020 (08.08 – “Numerology – two times infinity – SACRED GEOMETRY – adding up 16 or 7”) and then completes itself within the annual Lion Gate (Portal), which represents a celebration of the ancient Lemurian lineage (Lemuria/Lemuria, – Past Continent – ​​Earlier Advanced Civilizations).

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The 08th of August is therefore ALWAYS associated with a very strong and, above all, transcending energy, which creates a special space of ascension (and the special thing about it is that the more people awaken and thereby increase their own frequency, the more strongly the influences of corresponding events become noticeable - outside of the system norm, anchored in a strong and true state of consciousness, the influences of such events are always present and can be experienced - you go then in resonance with corresponding frequencies/energies/worlds/states, which was not the case before. Previously there was a lack of receptivity in this regard). In keeping with this, I would also like to retroactively access an article from the site esistallesda.de refer or quote sections from this article, which is about the planetary New Year on the one hand and the 08.08 Lion's Gate on the other:

“Beloved, it is once again the time of the Lion’s Gate and the Planetary New Year. Another diamond spiral of 'time' will be seen through the Lion's Gate on August 8.8th. born. The Royal Lion Guardians of “Yesterday” and “Tomorrow” stand at the archway, ready to welcome those who are balanced in their hearts into the Sacred Spiral of Masterful Co-Creation on Planet Earth. This begins on July 22nd as the Sun moves into the constellation of Leo and then gains momentum (vibration) through the “Day Out of Time” on July 25th and the Planetary New Year on July 26th. This is when the Royal Lions of Regulus and Sirius assist in the birth of a new timeline, correctly Ormolu*, a new time spiral for the New Earth. Time is a diamond spiral of creative power that allows the beings of light and spirit to manifest and create in a material or physical environment. It is the creative energy of the original desire for knowledge and experience that triggered the dawn of creation and continues to drive the ongoing ascension/creation process. 

In recent years, the Lion Gate has been relatively powerful, with full moons and eclipses falling in the portal phase. This year is quiet as you have already passed through the Triple Eclipse Portal between June 5th and July 5th, preparing you for the Lion Portal Gate. So this year you begin the transit as the Sun enters Leo and as the Sun rises in conjunction with the Blue Star Sirius in the dawn sky in the Northern Hemisphere. July 25th, “the day outside of time,” allows and enables you to free yourself and let go of the time spiral of the past year and create space to activate the new time spiral. Pay special attention to July 25th and release anything you don't want to take with you into the next galactic cycle.

Then, on the 26th, you will be ready to set your intentions for the next cycle of life and evolution, both for yourself and for the planet. We ask you to be aware that this will still be a powerful transit, not least because Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto retrograde congregate in the tenth house of Capricorn, while on the 8/8, the peak of the Gate period, Moon and Mars will be in Aries. This suggests, dear ones, that the current collective energies of sickness and discord will continue as old energies are released and people's emotions and reactions to them continue to be aggressive and confrontational. Those who are wise will use this energy to stand in their power and be creative in a firm but gentle way, even if the energy is sometimes unstable. You can be sure, dear ones, that these difficult energies will continue at least until the end of the year. This doesn't have to be the case for you, so decide to find your inner peace and stability to support your path forward. Your heart is the center of peace and light.”

Well, for this reason things continue to look up and exciting events lie ahead. And since the intensity increases from year to year, the days until August 08.08th (and especially August 08.08th itself) provide special moods, impulses and moments. We can therefore be excited. EVERYTHING WILL FIND OUT! Stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

Leave a Comment

    • Feller Theresa 28. July 2020, 9: 11

      Thanks for your contribution, Simone. It's a clear statement that I was already partly aware of. But it's always good to take a fresh look at what will emerge in the next few days (probably). I can take in your words pleasantly.

    Feller Theresa 28. July 2020, 9: 11

    Thanks for your contribution, Simone. It's a clear statement that I was already partly aware of. But it's always good to take a fresh look at what will emerge in the next few days (probably). I can take in your words pleasantly.
