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Today's daily energy on July 28, 2019 is still shaped by the moon in the zodiac sign Gemini, which means that communicative topics continue to be in the foreground and we can clear up a lot in this regard. All of our personal issues as well as our interpersonal relationships are more important than ever. Away from the highly intensive basic energy, through which generally relevant issues can arise within us, a lot of clarification and associated cleansing can now take place.

The new Mayan year

Appropriately started a few days ago (on July 24th) also the new Mayan year. In the end, this information only reached me yesterday evening, having previously been completely ignored (Aside from the fact that I'm not very up to date on the Mayan calendar topic at the moment). Now that this has now come to my attention, I wanted to share the associated information directly with you, which is why I have included a few passages from the site newslichter.de quote:

“I hope you were able to make good use of the RED MOON YEAR (July 26.07.2018, 24.07.2019 – July 26, 2019). The themes were enjoyment of life, many existential changes, new body awareness, a deep search for life's purpose, and cleansing on a wide variety of levels. A pretty active year is now behind us. From July 13, XNUMX, IX, the WHITE MAGIC, will enter our lives and will be up to something completely different for a year or XNUMX years!

The magician's white indicates an order and structure, creating clarity is the leitmotif. All topics from the last year are examined systematically and more closely in order to sort out what no longer corresponds to our own “truth” - so it goes a level deeper or higher, depending on your perspective.

The magician's power is generally refining, structuring, clarifying, cleansing and clearing out. You could also call it the “power of small steps”. If the last Red Year was “the power of big steps, this year is about the small and EXACT, but no less important (progress). We can practice patience and trust. The rough red of last year is now brought into a clear (heart) order, which then forms the necessary foundation for the next, blue transformation year = a storm year (2020 - 2021).

The power of the MAGICIAN lies in the magic of the heart, which means that only what has been decided according to the inner truth or what is in harmony with the inner truth will succeed / lead to success. That sounds very simple, but it can be accompanied by major conflicts of conscience and internal and external tensions. Because often the mind, the EGO wants something completely different than what our heart advises us to do. In addition, truth of the heart requires and requires authenticity and, as is well known, this is not so easy to achieve in our social role plays.

Do you dare to be truly authentic, to tell the truth, even if it might be uncomfortable (for you or others)?"

Well, ultimately these passages and especially the announcements for the new Mayan year are extremely consistent and show us once again that not only will a lot of things be clarified in the coming weeks and months, but that this will also be another extremely important aspect The focus is on increased entry into our own heart energy. A circumstance that is generally becoming increasingly important at the moment. After all, we are in a quantum leap into awakening. A quantum leap in our heart energy is taking on ever greater proportions and calls for us to fully enter into our self-love (Manifestation of a completely loving and above all harmonious self-image). The more we enter into our heart energy, i.e. more we keep our hearts open, the more harmonious or high-frequency our mental state can become. Today and the days to come will therefore represent an even stronger entry into our heart energy. An associated potentiation is unavoidable. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂


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