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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on February 28, 2019 is characterized on the one hand by the insightful and spiritually thriving basic energy and on the other hand by the moon, which in turn changed to the zodiac sign Capricorn at 07:50 a.m. and us Since then, it has brought influences that will promote moods in the next 3 days that could make us feel much more conscientious and determined than usual.

Capricorn Moon

Capricorn MoonOn the other hand, this could make us have a much greater sense of responsibility and feel more persistent overall. Goals are pursued with more persistence and we take responsibility for our actions, in some cases we could even be extremely concentrated and focused (Energy always follows our attention) work on the manifestation of your own ideas. In addition, the Capricorn Moon is another special feature because it ushers in the new month (The moon only changes to the zodiac sign Aquarius on March 02nd). The Capricorn Moon therefore closes the current month of February and ushers in the new month of March, which is why its energy is very influential right at the beginning. The following influences could therefore be experienced more strongly, especially in the initial period:

“The fulfilled Moon in Capricorn can separate itself well emotionally and is still open to mental processes. The inner concentration is enormous, which creates capable people who have conscientious creativity. Perseverance and willingness to take responsibility create security and stability in life. Success is achieved through tireless work. The need for recognition and prestige drives us. The stability achieved, often including property, should also benefit those around us. The feelings are strong and intense, but need a clear commitment from your partner and fellow human beings in order to be able to trust them.” Source: astroschmid.ch

These influences will also be present in a certain way, in the background, in the following days, simply because it is the quality through which March is introduced (An article about the energetic influences in March is being planned). Ultimately, not only today, but also in the days to come, we could take greater responsibility for our own actions and, if necessary, complete/end some old patterns and create new life circumstances, which in turn result from overcoming our own comfort zone lead the way. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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