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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on December 28, 2018 will certainly be accompanied by strong intensity because it is a portal day. For this reason, we will achieve a quality of energy that will allow us to once again perfectly reflect on our own state of being or our own mental and emotional development at the end of the year. In general, such days like to take us into the depths of our mental life, especially since strong energetic movements (light) literally flush through our mind/body/spirit system.

Strong influences & heart opening

Heart openingUltimately, this can lead to a wide variety of moods or an immersion in different states of consciousness can be experienced more strongly than usual. These could be states of consciousness in which we experience various unresolved inner conflicts, or we feel full of energy. But thoughtful states in which we look back on past times or think about the future are also not uncommon. At the end of the day one could therefore say that on portal days not only are moods and states of consciousness strengthened, but we are also made aware of discrepancies that keep us from our true divine nature (the true divine nature of a human being is calm, balance, love, harmony, presence, wisdom, naturalness), which is why such moods can be completely individual on certain days. However, one thing is certain and that is that these influences accelerate the collective process of spiritual awakening. The focus is increasingly on a so-called heart opening, i.e. as we become more and more aware of our true nature, our spiritual origins and also the unnaturalness of the system within this process, we increasingly open our hearts and thereby experience a spread of love in our innermost space.

More and more people are becoming aware of the process of spiritual awakening, which has increased massively in intensity over the past few years, which means that new levels/phases are continually becoming manifest. We are now moving towards a phase of active action, i.e. we are beginning to embody the love/peace that we want for the world..!!

Our own structures, which in turn are based on lack, fear, destructiveness and unnaturalness, are increasingly being discarded. For this reason, there is often talk of a “subtle material war” that is about our hearts (the decoupling of the system - a profound mental/mental process, accompanied by the return to our true nature).

The natural abundance & spirit animal deer

The natural abundance & spirit animal deerIn particular, a stronger connection to nature can lead to a significantly more pronounced “opening of the heart”, something that I have also noticed in the past few days/weeks. Since I went into the forest every day and harvested medicinal herbs, I developed a much stronger love for nature. In exactly the same way, I increasingly recognized the natural abundance of nature, in this case the forest. Of course, I knew in advance that the true nature of our existence is based on abundance, but it was only through becoming aware of the natural abundance, through feeling it, that I really became aware of this, because now I recognize significantly more abundance within nature (in terms of... Medicinal herbs, you recognize more natural abundance - as simple as this example may sound). Ultimately, I realized that I was currently attracting significantly more abundance into my life and so I automatically linked this feeling with the next feeling (the medicinal herbs). Well, ultimately another peculiarity stood out: I have noticed more and more deer in the last few weeks. Basically, this only happened extremely rarely in the past (despite frequent stays in the surrounding forests). But now this has increased over the weeks and the graceful animals are now very much in my consciousness. The day before yesterday there were even four deer, two on the left in a bush and two others about 50 meters to the right on a path. The animals were only partially shy. They watched me a lot more while I stood there quietly and “symbolically” took some wild herbs out of the bag, pointed them up and ate them (all very calm movements).

The lives of all living beings, whether human, animal or otherwise, are precious and all have the same right to be happy. Everything that populates our planet, the birds and the wild animals are our companions. They are part of our world, we share it with them. – Dalai Lama..!!

It was a special encounter that ended with the deer simply moving on after a while. Well, the more pronounced love for nature, the daily presence in the forest, the harvest of wild herbs and, above all, the greater awareness of the forest led me to these encounters, I feel it with every cell in my body. You could also say that I drew the deer into my life (my mind) and the deer in turn drew me into their life (into their mind). Ultimately, there is another thing that is interesting, namely that every animal that increasingly comes into one's own perception is considered a power animal and therefore carries a meaning within itself (there are no chance encounters). At this point I also quote sections from the website questico.de regarding the deer spirit animal:

“The animal characteristics of the deer help us to leave the shelter of the familiar, to understand emotions and to deal with difficult situations. The deer spirit animal helps you to change your inner attitude, for example if you are burdened by old soul wounds from the past. As a spirit guide, it refers to the gentle parts of the personality and one's own shyness. If you go on a shamanic journey, you will encounter the deer spirit animal, asking you to let go of your reservations and approach your fellow human beings more.

“The native forest animal teaches us to bring out the feminine side in order to open the heart and find inner peace. In shamanism, the deer also represents the persistent call to continue on your own path undeterred and with vigilance. The animal characteristics of the deer are:

  • Security and protection
  • Acceptance of weaknesses
  • Controlling fears
  • Access to the soft side
  • Fairness towards others
  • Delicacy, shyness, vulnerability
  • Turning to the emotional side
  • Awakening of the soul's true desires
  • Good faith, genuineness

Power animals deer and stags embody themes such as heart opening, warmth and healing from heartbreak. The animal characteristics are expressed in unconditional love and lead to the magical worlds of childhood. The deer spirit animal supports the development of self-understanding and self-love.”

At the end of the day, the meaning of the power animal is perfectly captured and also applies to my current experiences, especially the turn to the emotional side, the manifestation of one's own feminine parts (every person has feminine/intuitive and masculine/analytical parts) and the aforementioned Heart opening. Well, in conclusion, I can only point out how much magic the current time has brought us and, above all, how strongly we can find our way back to our own true being. Everything, absolutely EVERYTHING, is possible. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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