Today's daily energy on September 27, 2018 is mainly characterized by the moon, which in turn changes to the zodiac sign Taurus at 09:15 a.m. and from then on gives us influences that allow us to react relaxedly to people (and precarious living conditions) and us at the same time are much calmer, more relaxed, more collaborative and, above all, more patient.
Level-headed & persistent
On the other hand, due to the "Taurus Moon", influences reach us, through which not only security, demarcation (which does not necessarily have to be of a disharmonic nature - relaxation and recharge your batteries) and an increased focus on our home can be present, but we can be away from it also sociable, charming, cultivated and possibly also feel a certain penchant for enjoyment in us. Otherwise, because of the “Taurus Moon”, we could react calmly to other people and, as a result, look at sudden changes or even complicated life events with a feeling of serenity. "Taurus moons" also like to ensure that we approach tasks calmly and also with enormous endurance/perseverance. A contrary reaction would be a certain sluggishness or lethargy, which we could then feel in ourselves. Of course, our current living situation and our own spiritual orientation also have an impact here, i.e. our state of mind can be influenced by moon influences, but it still depends on each person how he reacts to the corresponding living conditions and, above all, which thoughts/feelings he legitimized in his own mind. Mindfulness is therefore an aspect that needs to be mentioned again and again, because the more mindful we are in dealing with our own inner world, the easier it is for us to remain calm and to react to external circumstances with more pronounced composure. Well then, last but not least, it should be said that the influences of the moon can also be strengthened, because we are currently receiving fairly strong influences with regard to the planetary resonance frequency. At least we received very strong influences in this regard yesterday (see picture below).
Because of this, in all likelihood, stronger influences will reach us today as well. Apart from that, it should also be said that the current energetic influences are generally extremely intense. The full moon on the day before yesterday alone gave us very strong energies in this regard and was able to trigger some changes in us. But how we will ultimately experience the day depends entirely on ourselves, our current spiritual orientation and our current circumstances. In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.
All realities are embedded in one's sacred self. You are the source, the way, the truth and the life. All is one and one is all - The highest self-image!