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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on October 27, 2018 will be shaped on the one hand by the lingering influences of yesterday's portal day and, on the other hand, by the influences of the moon, which in turn changed to the zodiac sign Gemini last night at 21:40 p.m. and us Since then, we have had influences that have made us clear may be more inquisitive than usual and also be more communicative in general. Ultimately, the next few days will be a good time for all kinds of communication, i.e. meetings with friends, family, etc. could now be particularly inspiring.

Moon in the zodiac sign Gemini

Moon in the zodiac sign GeminiBut the increased thirst for knowledge can also be responsible for special circumstances or can also benefit us greatly, especially in the current energetic peak phase (it feels like it has been active since September). In this context, the current frequency phase generally encourages us to look a little beyond our horizon in order to be able to achieve fundamental insights in line with the current spiritual awakening (a process that is, by the way, unavoidable and due to... the current energy quality is becoming ever greater). We could therefore now become more interested in knowledge that previously did not fit into our own worldview and consequently benefit from a mental state that is much more open or, better said, free of judgment. A certain impartiality could also come into play here, which would make it much easier for us to deal with relevant topics. As far as this is concerned, an appropriate impartiality, as has been mentioned many times in some articles, is of the utmost importance when it comes to broadening one's own horizons. Otherwise, we become increasingly stuck in self-imposed beliefs and fail to open our minds to the supposedly “unknown”.

Once you stop holding on to something and let things be, you will be free, even from birth and death. You will transform everything. – Bodhidharma..!!

Of course, such a state of consciousness can also benefit our development process, no question about it, especially since such a phase would also be part of our own soul plan. Dualitarian experiences are very useful in our lives and often teach us valuable lessons. Well, last but not least, I would like to briefly talk about the Tzolkin calendar (aspect of the Mayan calendar/supplementary calendar), which I mentioned again in yesterday's Daily Energy Article have treated. In this regard, I have indicated that I will now regularly include this calendar (and the daily energy qualities that come with it) in the articles. Ultimately, there are different opinions here, or rather, opinions differ regarding the exact dates, which is why I will only take up the calendar after further intensive research and subsequent internal determinations/thoughts/intentions (following my inner voice). Otherwise it would be too hasty, because as I said, opinions differ here and it is therefore important for me to first get a comprehensive picture of the relevant dates. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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