Today's daily energy on May 27, 2021 is mainly shaped by the after-effects of yesterday's total lunar eclipse and then gives us an extremely significant raised basic energy, through which we can carry out our inner ascension even more strongly or even complete it. The lunar eclipse could also be seen in a special way in this context accompanied by the uncovering of inner conflicts and shadow states, i.e. the darkness showed us our current state and made us aware of which version or what kind of unique/sacred image we can let come to life - if only we did so end the darkening of our hearts and at the same time indulge in luminous/divine habits, views and actions.
The aftermath of yesterday's total lunar eclipse
And that is exactly the biggest lesson or the biggest mirror in the current very stormy phase. The chaos on the outside not only shows us the high frequency and the progress or the escalation of the old system (the end time of the old), but it also shows us our last great obscurations of our hearts and also of our minds, which now have to be solved. The total lunar eclipse therefore also sets a large frequency point in this regard and definitely triggered an important advance. The female energy or our heart energy, the largest field that arises from our innermost being, wants to be fully developed instead of being blocked again and again due to dark ideas/a dark spirit. Just judging someone else, putting someone down, seeing only the bad in someone (or just if something is very destructive, then to shift the view/focus) or even entering into an idea which in turn is permeated by mischief or even by a negative basic emotion (one is oneself For example, angry because of various "politicians"), ultimately ensures that one gets off center and also allows a world to thrive in which disharmony can flourish (one thus create a disharmonious reality on the outside).
The energy of your inner world
In such moments, to keep focusing on your own holiness or even holiness on the outside is the high art of staying anchored in the kingdom of God instead of falling out of it again and again and directing your gaze to the dark. As I always say, a world full of peace only arises when we find this peace in our innermost being or rather unfold it. Only then can we transfer this inner fulfilled state to the outer world and consequently let peace flourish across the board, it is the key to everything. Through this shift in focus to the sacred/divine, along with the manifestation of a divine/sacred self-image (the God Self - the highest experienceable Self - the highest image you can identify with/recognize as truth for yourself, which in turn emanates from your innermost - pure consciousness/source). Well, the total lunar eclipse served to intensify exactly this circumstance, as is currently the case with all cosmic events. Ultimately, we are truly in the end times and are just a stone's throw away from a fully healed world, however difficult it may be to see at this time. For that reason, let's continue to maintain the high frequency/holy drive while continuing to journey a show where we know a golden age will 100% emerge from the shadows of the old world. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂
⭐thank you very much. It's good for my soul and gives me confirmation that I'm on the right path❤
Thank you thank you thank you