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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy on May 27, 2019 is still characterized on the one hand by the moon in the zodiac sign Pisces and on the other hand by very strong energetic influences that continue to affect us in the background and keep us completely in Catapult 5D into it. The drag that comes with it is huge in this regard and you can hardly escape it.

Storm of energies yesterday

All old structures break down and we are completely drawn into new structures. It therefore draws us into the new and everything that is based on fears, on suffering, on darkness and above all on lack flows completely out of our mind/body/soul system and we are one of the best versions (Original version) of ourselves to become manifest based on abundance, love, strength and magic. And I know I'm repeating myself here, after all this has been an integral part of my last daily energy articles. Nevertheless, it simply cannot be avoided, I can only repeat it over and over again, simply because that is exactly what is being given to us at the moment and if we open ourselves to all these inflows, we can achieve incredible things. Our emotional feeling is therefore more in the foreground than ever and everything, really everything, i.e. all circumstances (mental states) move towards maximum fullness - summer is coming. Everything increases in power, our entire perception changes and the frequency situation on our planet - the collective experiences a huge change. It is the greatest transformation of all, a new birth, like the phoenix we rise from the ashes. And the prevailing energies illustrate this perfectly once again (see below picture). primal frequencyIn the last few days, incredibly strong energetic influences have reached us. Yesterday it was extremely violent and everything could be stirred up again. After all, the strong energies flow through our entire system and flush out all heavy energies and low frequencies, which means everything that is not in harmony with our original state is cleaned up. And because of this connection to ourselves, we create a powerful circumstance. Consequently, or only through this strong connection to ourselves, we also connect with the entire external world. We create bridges to new worlds and network with everything that exists, and consequently become aware of this network and live out one of the most powerful connections of all, namely the connection to ourselves, the highest thing there is - the source itself. In this sense Friends, let's accept what comes, let's immerse ourselves in this magical primal connection and make the “shift”. Stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

I am happy about any support ❤ 

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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    • Lala 3. June 2019, 23: 10

      I always enjoy reading your posts and have been missing the new updates over the last few days….
      Thanks for your work...

    Lala 3. June 2019, 23: 10

    I always enjoy reading your posts and have been missing the new updates over the last few days….
    Thanks for your work...
