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Today's daily energy on March 27, 2019 is shaped by the influences of the eighth portal day and, as a result, by an extraordinarily strong energetic basic quality. The intensity is therefore still enormous, which is why we, along with it can expand our own spirit increasingly in high-frequency directions, especially when it comes to becoming aware of our own perfection, becoming aware of our own creative space and the associated release of our manifestation potential.

The eighth portal day

In this context, I also wrote in my latest article, which was published yesterday evening (What can you imagine?! Unleash the incredible potential of your own creative spirit), draws attention to the importance of our own imagination and, above all, explains how often we let our own imagination limit us, i.e. how often we simply cannot imagine certain circumstances/conditions and, as a result, cannot experience the corresponding circumstances . Ultimately, our imagination, combined with all the ideas we have already created (Beliefs, convictions, worldview – inner truth) our own state of being or our entire reality and the less we can imagine, i.e. the more we internally deny, reject and define as not possible/imaginable, the more we limit our abilities (primarily related to ideas of circumstances, conditions and abilities, which in turn are based on abundance/healing - instead of us in today's world largely maintaining ideas of lack, suffering and illness). Our imagination is therefore also powerful, especially since our entire life, i.e. all experiences and living circumstances, are based on our own imagination (first imagined, then realized, – experienced/created). And especially within the current portal day phase, we can increasingly recognize and, above all, clear up our own patterns and blockages, which also makes it possible for us to imagine completely new circumstances and states, especially circumstances based on abundance - states that are consistent with ours basic divine abilities.

The mind sets the limits. As long as you can imagine in your mind that you can do something, you can do it, as long as you believe in it 100 percent. - Arnold Schwarzenegger..!!

The last three portal days (until the 29.) and therefore continue to give us enormous potential and can also massively boost our spiritual awakening. As I said, the current phase is predestined for this and an incredible amount is possible. It is actually a blessing for the collective state of consciousness and all boundaries are not only surmountable, but can even be exploded. We can achieve and create extremely much. Well, finally, I would also like to briefly talk about the moon, because it changes to the zodiac sign Capricorn at 15:13 p.m. The “Capricorn Moon” stands for a certain concentration, determination, thoughtfulness and, above all, a more pronounced sense of duty. Perfect for working more on implementing your own projects or even on your own self-realization at the end of the portal day phase. Contrarians Experiences are always very useful for our own development, but the atmosphere is simply perfect for overcoming our own limits (leaving our own comfort zone). With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

I am grateful for any support

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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