Today's daily energy on January 27th, 2019 will be shaped on the one hand by the lingering influences of yesterday's portal day and on the other hand by the moon, which in turn will change to the zodiac sign Scorpio at 08:34 a.m. and leave us then gives us influences through which we can be much more passionate, more sensual and, if necessary, more impulsive (which necessarily does not have to be of a bad nature)
Moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio
The “Scorpio Moon” also favors moods that make it easier for us to cope with changes and are much more open to new life circumstances. By now most people should be familiar with the fact that the current time is completely dominated by new processes and living conditions (and that these can therefore be optimally combined). Also in terms of the associated awareness, understanding and shedding of one's own EGO structures. In this context, I have often mentioned that one's own EGO and, above all, the destructive structures associated with it are very profound and are very strongly rooted in our spirit, which also has its reasons, because we have been going through this in countless incarnations corresponding patterns. Of course, this doesn't mean that we should abdicate our responsibility and blame our own sustainable structures purely on past incarnations, it just means that it can be important to keep in mind that we have been going through a profound process of change for countless lives , from incarnation to incarnation, heavy energies/inner conflicts, go through, cleanse or even take with you into the next life. The process towards becoming whole, towards the complete experience of a flowing heart energy, has been happening for a long time and we are inevitably heading towards completion. Until then, our own destructive living conditions will be brought about within us again and again, within a wide variety of life circumstances, usually by interacting with people who are very important to us.
You don't see the world as it is, you see the world as you are. – Mooji..!!
The world as we know it is only a reflection of our inner state. Internal upsets that we experience during an encounter with other people therefore only reflect patterns on our part, as difficult as it often seems to be to recognize. Well, this aspect is also coming to a head, because the current stormy times are flushing all unresolved conflicts into our daily consciousness. Everything is currently moving towards “light” and the expansion of our own space towards a peaceful and loving life is knocking more and more strongly on our inner door. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂