Today's daily energy on February 27, 2021 is associated with an extremely special frequency quality, because today is all about a significant and above all profound full moon in the zodiac sign Virgo (the full moon becomes manifest at 09:15). The full moon, which in turn marks the peak in February or even the purification peak in this flushing Month represents, will provide us with strong energetic codes at this point, not only exposing our energy systems to a frequency of healing, but also expanding our hearts and flushing deep emotional wounds.
purification of our hearts
In this context, the full moon also represents a certain completion of the past few days. These days, which appropriately, or rather typically February, were accompanied by a special purification, were also associated with great challenges and were able to solve many blockages within the collective. The collective consciousness was also strongly geared towards detachment and, above all, a cleansing of defective structures, which created a lot of new space for high-frequency expansions this month. This expansion, apart from the general February cleansing energies, was reinforced by geomagnetic fluctuations, large abnormalities within the planetary resonance frequency (and concomitant new coding updates - new information - 5D aspects that became deeply ingrained within collective structures) and also by the cold spell that reached us again at the beginning of the month and was able to put everyone into a state of calm/retreat. Ultimately, the month was therefore truly for our own self-realization and could be responsible for a lot of clarification in this regard. I myself walked bsp. a broken bond (say the connection to myself, because the connection to other people only ever reflects the connection to oneself), cleared out/cleaned my premises and was able to transform a lot (and it was completely unforced, it just happened, in harmony with the monthly energy). Now and parallel to this, a deep activation of our hearts has taken place, especially in the past few days. As in yesterday Daily Energy Article mentioned, this is even an indispensable process when it comes to the healing of this world and above all to the manifestation of an ascended world, because the more we ourselves true love (Self-love – which then carries over to the outside world and creates a reality in which love can flourish) carry in us, the faster we let a golden world come to life. Many have also felt it in this regard and I have received more and more reports in which special moments were described in which love played a special role, i.e. many felt that something was changing in this regard. And after frequent reference to the integration of unprecedented currents within our heart fields, it is more than evident that today's full moon of purification will set in motion a massive expansion of our hearts.
Full Moon of Purification
The full moon, which is known to represent completion and perfection, comes with a frequency of cleansing due to the February energy. The Virgo zodiac sign is also associated with purification and reorganization on one level, which is why today truly marks a purification peak. The heart in particular, which as the most important instance generates the largest energy field of all, also needs a lot of cleaning at this point. The hearts of many have expanded greatly in recent years, which is reflected in an increased love of nature, a changed view of the animal world and of the world in general, but also in dealing with oneself and also within strong processes of self-discovery (which let some recognize that it only promotes the manifestation of a destructive world if we ourselves only ever direct our own focus to disharmonious circumstances, if we ourselves only see the bad in others). Of course, there is still a lot of reticence in this regard, i.e. there is judgement, bad talking, divided and separated (which is in line with the NWO agenda), which is why the opening and, above all, comprehensive activation of the corresponding heart structures is fundamentally important (the heart in combination with the consciousness of God - to know/feel to be the source/the divine, the all-creating instance - as the key to mastering one's own incarnation). Basically, the whole month came down to exactly that and is now culminating in a return or activation of our passion, devotion and love. The hearts, which are still saturated with shadows, simply have to experience a corresponding cleansing in the current time - which, as I said, has happened very strongly in the past few years.
The level of healing
But now the whole thing should and will be taken to a new level and many will realize that it is in no way beneficial if we act against each other, if we point the finger at others, if we exclude each other, if we only see the bad in others see when we let fear paralyze us, when we split and overarching focus on a bad world. When we are there for each other, when we support each other, when we let a basic trust revive in us without coercion and full of confidence and in doing so are aware that the old world is currently crumbling and a golden world is rising out of the darkness, then we steer ours energies on the manifestation of this very reality (Energy always follows our own attention. As the creator itself, one's imagination creates worlds, affects and pervades all of existence). And whoever still evades, resists the processes or harbors resentment towards others (Even against the system, as I said, it doesn't get us any further, because it ultimately only reinforces the shadows of the system - which, by the way, doesn't mean that living through such a shadow isn't important. As a learning process, this is even of great importance. This is exactly how education must and should be carried out in this regard. This is much more about changing one's own overarching perception of how one experiences/sees the world. Do you feel that the world is going under because of the grievances or do you feel that these are just signs of decay and the golden age is manifesting one way or the other - that this cannot be prevented) who currently needs exactly this experience and has to live it out. However, this should not take us off our own center, but encourage us much more to direct our gaze to the light - to fill the collective field with love (which only increases resentment in the world). Therefore, today's full moon in the zodiac sign Virgo will do a lot of good in this regard and give us new bright impulses. Everything is characterized by our heart opening and this is exactly what we should accept. As a result, we not only increase our vibration, but we also move towards points where our light bodies are so well developed or rotate so strongly that supposedly "psychic" abilities (the power of the true galactic human - GOD - innate but meanwhile lost abilities) can experience a development. With that in mind, enjoy today's full moon. Stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂
I experience it like this, it's complete change,
I thank you and
I'm curious
What I solidify
Can what happens.