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Today's daily energy on February 27, 2018 is basically influenced by two main circumstances, on the one hand by the moon, which changed to the zodiac sign Leo at 05:41 a.m. and on the other hand by the influences of the portal day, through which cosmic influences reach us, which are of great intensity. Combined, this results in an exciting mix, especially since the “Leo Moon” represents enjoyment and enjoyment, on the other hand, it also stands for increased self-expression and an outward orientation and these influences could subsequently come to the fore very strongly.

Moon in the zodiac sign Leo – Strong energies

Moon in the sign of LeoThe moon in the zodiac sign Leo could otherwise make us dominant and self-confident. As already mentioned before, the lion is also the sign of self-expression, the theater, the stage, which is why an outward orientation could definitely predominate. Ultimately, this also creates a very paradoxical circumstance, because portal days allow us to look inward and represent our inner life, while the moon in the zodiac sign Leo in turn represents self-expression and can bring about an outward orientation. This combination is therefore in contradiction to each other, which is why it could be exciting to see to what extent we orient ourselves to today. Whether we look outwards or inwards depends entirely on ourselves. Otherwise, it should also be said that today there is only one more constellation that gives us a harmonious connection, i.e. a sextile (sextile = harmonious aspect/angular relationship 60°) between Venus (in the zodiac sign Pisces) and Pluto (in the zodiac sign Capricorn). This star constellation becomes active at 11:20 a.m. and could then make us very passionate. On the other hand, this special constellation also stands for luck in love and is very beneficial for friendships, or even new acquaintances/friendships to be precise. Otherwise, this constellation could also give us an extraordinary attraction and a cheerful state of mind. Success in professional life could also arise, which is why this constellation could make us very successful in our work or in the implementation of new projects.

Today's daily energy is of a very intense nature due to the portal day and, in combination with the influences of the moon in the zodiac sign Leo and the influences of the sextile between Venus and Pluto, could give us a circumstance that makes us cheerful, alert and very energetic..!!

Ultimately, today is very special in terms of influences. On the one hand, the strong energetic influences of the portal day circumstance reach us. On the other hand, the influences of the “Leo Moon” and the Venus/Pluto sextile also have an effect on us, which is why we could be in for a harmonious but also an energetically very intense day in which enjoyment and pleasure are the main focus. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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Star Constellations Source: https://www.schicksal.com/Horoskope/Tageshoroskop/2018/Februar/27

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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