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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on December 27, 2017 is accompanied by a portal day, which is why the energetic influences are relatively stormy and intense in nature. In this context, portal days are generally days on which increased cosmic radiation reaches us, which brings the focus and nature of our own state of consciousness into focus.

Another portal day

Another portal day

For this reason, we may be confronted with our own inner conflicts and disagreements today, because days when we experience a particularly high frequency circumstance always cause our system to try to increase its frequency (frequency adjustment to the planet). Remaining in a high frequency can be equated with remaining in a harmonious, peaceful and balanced state of consciousness. Since we humans are often subject to mental blockages due to countless conditioning and imprints (attributable to a low-frequency system that affects the expression of our materially oriented mind - EGO - conditioned and inherited worldviews/beliefs/convictions), i.e. we derive suffering from our thoughts past, we find it difficult to detach ourselves from previous conflicts or we fear the future (lack of conscious presence in the present), we tend to remain in a state of consciousness in which a low frequency circumstance prevails. Remaining in a high frequency or in a completely positive mental state is only possible if we accept life as it is or if we detach ourselves from the situations that cause us a lot of suffering. We simply cannot remain in a high frequency while we are still subject to conflicts that keep our frequency down. For this reason, energetically intense days usually lead to us being confronted with our own inner conflicts, if any, in order to subsequently be able to initiate a change through which we become able to manifest a high frequency circumstance again. Aside from the strong energetic influences, today's daily energy still represents our feeling of love, which can be based on sincerity and honesty, especially in relationships.

On portal days we usually experience a high level of frequency, which means that we humans could be confronted with internal conflicts and problems. This process serves to transform/redeem your own shadow parts and can create a foundation on which a balanced and harmonious state of consciousness thrives..!!

At the same time, when it comes to love, we could also be prone to melancholy, jealousy and melancholy. These influences can still be traced back to Venus in the zodiac sign Capricorn. This constellation is dominant today and has a significantly stronger effect than the short-term lunar influences. For example, at 03:26 a.m. we had a trine between the Moon and Mercury (Sagittarius), which meant that we were briefly open to new things and had a great ability to learn, a good intellect, quick wit, a talent for languages ​​and good judgment.

Today's daily energy, apart from the portal day, is shaped by Venus in the zodiac sign Capricorn, which means that our feeling of love is still in the foreground..!!

At 11:24 a.m. a temporary negative connection between the Moon and Pluto (Capricorn) took effect. This square could trigger extreme emotions and severe inhibitions in us. In exactly the same way, this constellation also caused depression, self-indulgence and self-indulgence of a lower kind. At 21:56 p.m. we also have a conjunction between the Moon and Uranus (Aries), which could cause us to feel a lack of inner balance and unreasonable views + strange ones Establish habits. But romantic love affairs could also arise through this connection. Nevertheless, all of these constellations are only effective for a short time and apart from the portal day, the daily energy is primarily influenced by Venus in the zodiac sign Capricorn. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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Star Constellation Source: https://www.schicksal.com/Horoskope/Tageshoroskop/2017/Dezember/27

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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