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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy on April 27th, 2020 continues to lead us even deeper into our own healing process, as has basically been the case with all previous days in April and especially in this decade, and is therefore entirely dedicated to our becoming whole, perfection and above all in the sign of our highest self-image (the God self). This luminous self or a correspondingly high-frequency, liberated and, above all, true spiritual state, crystallizes/manifests itself increasingly from our daily experience (especially in relation to the fact that this self wants to be lived on our part - Less and less space is made available for low-frequency states - This expansion into the light is unstoppable)

The revelation of our divine nature

Accompanied by the understanding of all deceptions, i.e. apparent circumstances, which in turn are maintained by the system to insulate/keep the collective state of consciousness down (The more a person awakens, i.e. becomes God, develops his God-consciousness/highest self-image, the more he endangers the maintenance of the existing illusionary system. For this reason, we not only prevent ourselves from finding ourselves through all self-imposed deceptions, but we also prevent ourselves from creating/rooting a correspondingly high self-image - we keep the old system/our inner 3D matrix alive), we become much more sensitive and as a result we see through more and more shadowy circumstances/conditions. But, as inside, so outside, ultimately everything on the outside is just a direct projection of our own mind. The more the external appearance falls and is recognized (the deceptions and disinformation in the world - keeping profound truths at bay as a means of maintaining and continuing mental enslavement), the more the inner illusion falls, i.e. one's own ego/all self-created problems - shadows (in the Bible one would speak of the devil), are becoming more and more apparent to us and ultimately want to be cleaned up. The entire current purification and transformation process is therefore essentially accompanied by the continuous unveiling of our true/divine self (our deepest core) because the more we free ourselves from the old 3D matrix, the more we awaken to our highest self, i.e. the divine self, which, as I said, represents the greatest danger to the illusion system (the external and internal appearance).

Self-imposed delusions

In this context, I have felt very strongly about this in the past two days (reflected on myself) and made me aware of all the behaviors and habits that are still destructive or selfish in nature (EGO based/devilish/low-frequency/shadow-heavy/disharmonic/unbalanced – structures/programs – “heavy” energies). I was able to learn a lot about myself and recognize profound structures, i.e. strongly rooted shadow parts that I would otherwise always ignore. As far as this is concerned, you repeatedly succumb to your own EGO mind and ignore corresponding structures over time - they have become a habit/everyday reality (Programs rooted in the subconscious that are part of our current expression and therefore significantly influence - in this case impair - the way we shape reality). And of course, we shouldn't reject such programs, after all they are important lessons that we will learn. They are direct reflections (Reflections of our inner unbalanced/unfulfilled parts or aspects of our reality that are not in harmony with our spiritual salvation/that do not feel divine/fulfilling), which are indispensable for our unveiling process and accompany us on the way to the maximum. Nevertheless, they inevitably lead to the point where these deeply anchored structures are recognized and then completely cleaned up. Seen in this way, one assumes the main responsibility (because you yourself as THE creator are ALWAYS primarily responsible) and begins to transform the identified disharmonious structures, because all structures/habits/views/actions that do not make us feel divine, or rather that do not feel divine, are transformed in the process of awakening. You yourself become more connected to nature, more balanced, more divine and feel an ever stronger pull towards corresponding states. And ultimately, humanity is currently experiencing such a process of change. All of humanity is currently being guided into a higher reality and is in the midst of the greatest unveiling of all. Everything that is of a low-frequency nature is cleaned up, be it low-frequency views of the world (because you allowed yourself to be deceived for decades), or low-frequency habits & behaviors, which are of course a direct result of the apparent worldview or go hand in hand with it. We are currently living through the greatest liberation process and are witnessing the fall of the old world (Fall of the illusion system and fall of our false self), it's just impressive!

The current acceleration

Well, to come back to my experiences and the current acceleration, at the end of the day it was amazing again how much insight, information and impulses can reach you even in the current days (and that even though one always thought that it couldn't get any more intense - Strongest expansion of the collective mind, humanity has never developed at this pace before - their minds expanded in new directions/expanded to include information). Due to the massive influx of awakened people, we are experiencing a HUGE EXPANSION OF LIGHT and this can be felt very strongly everywhere. The acceleration is stronger than ever before and we can therefore be excited to see what will happen to us in the coming period. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂
Exclusive News – Follow me on Telegram: https://t.me/allesistenergie

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Leave a Comment

    • Daniel 27. April 2020, 11: 34

      Thanks, now I understand! Yes, even God is an invention of man in order to be able to control him better, the Bible, the biggest lie of all time...

    • Ben 27. April 2020, 21: 02

      Thank you, dear Yannik, for your work and your lines.
      In the meantime, I keep getting the impression
      as if my observer had written it.

      Thank you very much, I have been reading articles on your site for a long time.
      There are discoveries every day.


    Ben 27. April 2020, 21: 02

    Thank you, dear Yannik, for your work and your lines.
    In the meantime, I keep getting the impression
    as if my observer had written it.

    Thank you very much, I have been reading articles on your site for a long time.
    There are discoveries every day.


    • Daniel 27. April 2020, 11: 34

      Thanks, now I understand! Yes, even God is an invention of man in order to be able to control him better, the Bible, the biggest lie of all time...

    • Ben 27. April 2020, 21: 02

      Thank you, dear Yannik, for your work and your lines.
      In the meantime, I keep getting the impression
      as if my observer had written it.

      Thank you very much, I have been reading articles on your site for a long time.
      There are discoveries every day.


    Ben 27. April 2020, 21: 02

    Thank you, dear Yannik, for your work and your lines.
    In the meantime, I keep getting the impression
    as if my observer had written it.

    Thank you very much, I have been reading articles on your site for a long time.
    There are discoveries every day.

