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Today's daily energy on February 26, 2021 is shaped on the one hand by the influence of the moon, which in turn changes to the zodiac sign Virgo at 18:04 p.m. and prepares us for its climax from this moment in particular (virgo full moon) and on the other hand from the concomitant final February energies, which now bring us to the coming ones Prepare the month of March, i.e. the month of new beginnings (after the month of purification follows the month of new beginnings). However, we will still be experiencing some profound energetic releases and changes, particularly towards the end of the month, that much is for sure.

The magic of self-image

Activation of our heart energyAfter all, we are all going through the greatest possible purification process at all and the coming full moon in the zodiac sign Virgo will push this process to the extreme. In the process, our entire fields are flushed and clarified to such an extent that we subsequently have significantly more space available for high-frequency energies. As far as that is concerned, it is also a strong process, i.e. when we clear up shadows ourselves, for example, when we overcome a negative habit or even change a negative idea, then we in turn create more space for the manifestation of a positive self-image, which ultimately leads to us of the day then draw significantly more positive or abundance-based circumstances into our lives. As always, the magic of changing circumstances lies in the image we have of ourselves. And the current time wants us to direct the image of ourselves in a divine direction - that we experience/see ourselves as divine beings/gods again, which automatically entails a reality in which we are increasingly in a divine world experienced on the outside and also let it become manifest. We then attract the highest circumstances and states into our lives, because one's own frequency ultimately always attracts circumstances that are based precisely on this frequency. The God frequency, as one of the most powerful frequencies of all, is therefore essential for the creation of a true world (true, since the divine essence represents our greatest and truest being).

Activation of our heart energy

And ultimately, the most powerful energy of all is directly connected to it, namely the energy of love. Our heart, which ultimately creates the most intelligent and most effective force field of all, represents the key to the highest ascended world, because only through the full activation of our own heart energy do we put ourselves into a vibration in which we are again able to work supernatural abilities not only teleportation and the like, but also the ability to create a world in which exactly this love allows a corresponding 5D civilization to rise (As I said, as inside, so outside - those who have abundance will attract abundance). This truly limitless unconditional love, which is also closely intertwined with God consciousness, is therefore accompanied by incredible healing. In the coming weeks and months we will therefore also experience an ever stronger activation of our own heart energy. Especially those who are already deeply rooted in spirituality will experience strong shifts in this regard. The love of nature, of the entire animal world, but also the love of the human world, speak for many one of the most difficult flammable energies (since the 3D world, incidentally as a currently very important teacher and mirror, is becoming more and more difficult for us to bear and encounters a lot of friction - I will also deal with this topic in a video, I feel that a lot can and should be said about it, but simply too many points have to be illuminated for that), will gain more and more weight as the process progresses, it is inevitable. In this context we are also currently experiencing a phase in which our hearts are being activated very strongly, especially during these days of purification. I experience this very strongly myself and in the last few days, apart from many changes/cleansing in my life, I could feel a strong opening of the heart. And then the Facebook page also wrote in line with this Twin souls & soulmates following:

“Since last night (UK time) 23rd February 2021 we have received a tremendous influx of INCOMING energies into our bodies. While there are the typical and multiple vibrations within this latest influx, there is a NEW vibrational pattern that has never before been received at the HEART energy center. Best advice, know your needs, be mindful of your needs; Honor your body when it speaks its own "body language" to you.

We are in a new timeline of compassion and love! Avalanche of DIVINE Energy Downloads is Plunging into ALL USA NOW. These downloads are included directly in our ENERGY FIELDS. . . and they will allow us to filter what we do NOT want and what is NO longer serving our HIGHEST and GREATEST good. We receive these downloads in Perfect DIVINE TIMING. . . and they will continue until the time of our March Equinox. We move into a higher vibrational state of consciousness of existence where evil CANNOT dwell and the Light reigns supreme. The ENTIRE world changes for those who see IT. Do you feel the shift?”

Ultimately, we are currently being flooded with the highest energetic frequencies and are completely revealing ourselves. It is a special ascension and a time that truly takes our personal transformation to a new level. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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    • Verena Henschke 26. February 2021, 9: 23

      I've never had a feeling like this!! I can feel it my heart my gratitude my EVERYTHING!!!
      It can't be put into words right now ❤️
      We are all ONE!!

    • Hella 26. February 2021, 13: 20

      Matches my current feelings. Nice to feel the new beginning in this dimension.

    Hella 26. February 2021, 13: 20

    Matches my current feelings. Nice to feel the new beginning in this dimension.

    • Verena Henschke 26. February 2021, 9: 23

      I've never had a feeling like this!! I can feel it my heart my gratitude my EVERYTHING!!!
      It can't be put into words right now ❤️
      We are all ONE!!

    • Hella 26. February 2021, 13: 20

      Matches my current feelings. Nice to feel the new beginning in this dimension.

    Hella 26. February 2021, 13: 20

    Matches my current feelings. Nice to feel the new beginning in this dimension.
