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Today's daily energy on August 26, 2020 is shaped by the influences of the fifth portal day and accordingly continues to bring us a very intense and, above all, stormy circumstance. Stormy is also the key word here, as it suits this highly intense phase a storm is now reaching us (Kirsten), which particularly affects the west and north of Germany (Incidentally, this is accompanied by isolated thunderstorms and heavy rain showers - instead of strong solar winds, now stormy weather). Winds of up to force 9 are even expected in places, which in this context is quite unusual for August (something special/strong is in the air).

A STORM is reaching us

In relation to the current portal day phase, along with the massive increase in people becoming awake, the political upheavals and the constantly advancing unmasking of the illusory system and, above all, the general, continuous increase in energy, this storm is anything but surprising (Haarp, i.e. weather manipulation that is carried out every day, is something I'll leave out here. In particular, the collective transformation process can strongly favor corresponding weather conditions. Not only Mother Earth, but also the collective goes through violent transformation processes and cleanses itself of old burdens or heavy energies and this ultimately manifests itself on all levels of existence. As creators ourselves, we have an influence on EVERYTHING). Ultimately, massive discharges take place and the collective spirit experiences a HUGE phase of UPGRADE. As within, so without, as within, so within. The upheavals, the portal day phase and, above all, the stormy awakening process that accompanies it flow completely into the current weather circumstances.

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Well, for this reason we can therefore transfer to ourselves (As a source/creator yourself, everything also aims at you! Nothing happens without a reason, everything is a sign! At its core, everything contains messages/reflections for yourself. Every encounter, every circumstance and, above all, every experience. Nothing happens for no reason. Everything serves our unveiling process or our transformation process, which in turn aims at a lasting manifestation of a divine self-image. Even the stormy weather therefore reflects parts/adjustments/development processes within ourselves) expect a stormy circumstance overall, which will definitely be accompanied by realignments and changes in our daily consciousness. And since we're halfway through the XNUMX-day portal day phase, we know there are five more stormy days ahead. And there will be a lot to experience again in these days. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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    • Francesca 26. August 2020, 16: 45

      THANK YOU!❤

    Francesca 26. August 2020, 16: 45

