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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy on May 25, 2021 provides us with extremely powerful and strong energies, because the influences of the almost completed moon (in two days the full moon will reach us), who is currently in the zodiac sign Scorpio (change took place the night before last at 04:55). The scorpion as the most energetic sign of the zodiac ensures a strong one, especially in this combination energetic upswing. Everything is therefore geared towards growth, integration, completion and completion with concentrated power. Today (the same naturally also applies to tomorrow) is therefore perfectly suited to bathing one’s own spirit in abundance – to let ideas of abundance become manifest (directing the focus to an abundance of ideas/thoughts or even leaving them focused).

Aftermath of Pentecost energies

Aftermath of Pentecost energies

And matching the Pentecost energies of yesterday and the day before yesterday, this shift will certainly be strengthened again (harnessing our attraction to valuable/sacred circumstances). So the days of Pentecost also stand completely for the Holy Spirit or in detail even for the sending of the Holy Spirit to the disciples of Jesus, so one could also report here about an increased manifestation of the Holy Spirit within the collective. Of course, in many ways the collective is currently processing countless dark and low-frequency parts/conflicts at full speed, but there is more and more of a full awakening towards one's true self (At this point I refer again to my latest video, in which I explain the fact of the true self and above all the entry into the kingdom of God in depth). That more and more people are experiencing this profound awakening and in particular are beginning to focus on divine ideas, accompanied by the revival of a divine self-image and, above all, accompanied by the ending of the daily touring of dark images (NWO, vaccination, end of the world - what the darkness wants, it lives from our focus), is an inevitable consequence of the current mass awakening. This is also accompanied by our massive individual awakening, which in turn has a direct effect on the entire collective, because you are connected to everything as a source or on a spiritual level and your own self-image therefore flows seamlessly into the outer world. Like I said, it's up to date more important than ever and that's why I've been addressing this fact again and again lately, that we free ourselves from the darkness and then turn to the divine.

sanctify your spirit

And this happens primarily by shifting our own attention away from discordant information and reporting towards divine/sacred images (oneself God, the outer world as a direct image of God, every human being who can let the divine/Christ consciousness revive in himself, the God on the outside - the main thing is a shift to the divine - only in this way can a divine world arise - as within, so without). Just dealing with a dark topic/image, for example how dark the NWO is or how bad it is that others are being vaccinated, ultimately only creates a reality in which darkness and suffering are present (and that in turn wants the darkness to be nourished by us - which by the way does not mean to look away, to live through the darkness is important, but this experience should ultimately lead us to the divine). Ultimately, I have to say that I have noticed this shift in my own attention again, especially in the past few days. During the Pentecost days, for example, I only devoted myself to rest, the divine and other relaxation activities, all discordant fields and information were zero present (well, disharmonious topics, presented in the form of videos, articles and co. I've been avoiding it for months anyway) and it just felt good, free from worry, problems or other negative circumstances.

stormy days

It is precisely this liberation that we should now permanently initiate. As said, only we ourselves can liberate the world from everything and this is done by liberating ourselves, the path consequently leads through our inner world and then manifests in the outer world. And the stormy weather conditions reflect this to us more than ever. Of course, the stormy and sometimes very dreary weather situation is quite atypical for May and we can be sure that a strong weather manipulation is in progress (little sun massively spoils the basic mood for most people). At least that will be one aspect. At our core, the weather reflects our inner storm and a concomitant great struggle that is taking place in the world, a struggle of letting ourselves be drawn into the dark, out of our own center, away from the divine and ourselves all are fully checked for this. Let us, therefore, look forward fully and within these stormy days pass this overarching test. We ourselves are the key. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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    • Angelika 25. May 2021, 11: 38

      Terrific! Thanks!

    • Christina King 25. May 2021, 21: 13

      Wow. Thank you thank you thank you! I share your words and assessment of today's energy. Stormy and yet manifesting super fast. We (my fiancé and I) had a brilliant, sacred and high energy encounter with another couple on the mirgrn where the themes of holy spirit and the polarizing energies were present and after that we bought a trailer home. Everything went just as smoothly as we had imagined and we are over the moon about this great coincidence.

    Christina King 25. May 2021, 21: 13

    Wow. Thank you thank you thank you! I share your words and assessment of today's energy. Stormy and yet manifesting super fast. We (my fiancé and I) had a brilliant, sacred and high energy encounter with another couple on the mirgrn where the themes of holy spirit and the polarizing energies were present and after that we bought a trailer home. Everything went just as smoothly as we had imagined and we are over the moon about this great coincidence.

    • Angelika 25. May 2021, 11: 38

      Terrific! Thanks!

    • Christina King 25. May 2021, 21: 13

      Wow. Thank you thank you thank you! I share your words and assessment of today's energy. Stormy and yet manifesting super fast. We (my fiancé and I) had a brilliant, sacred and high energy encounter with another couple on the mirgrn where the themes of holy spirit and the polarizing energies were present and after that we bought a trailer home. Everything went just as smoothly as we had imagined and we are over the moon about this great coincidence.

    Christina King 25. May 2021, 21: 13

    Wow. Thank you thank you thank you! I share your words and assessment of today's energy. Stormy and yet manifesting super fast. We (my fiancé and I) had a brilliant, sacred and high energy encounter with another couple on the mirgrn where the themes of holy spirit and the polarizing energies were present and after that we bought a trailer home. Everything went just as smoothly as we had imagined and we are over the moon about this great coincidence.
