Today's daily energy on May 25, 2019 continues to be shaped by the Moon in the zodiac sign Aquarius. Overall, therefore, Aquarius-typical characteristics are increasingly in the foreground, i.e. we could work on our self-realization with vigour could act, could follow a strong urge for freedom, could pursue new impulses and also manifest a life circumstance or mental state based on independence.
Aquarius Moon
Ultimately, these influences also go hand in hand with the current primal energy, which in turn predominates in the background and also catapults us into our primal energy. Like yesterday Daily Energy Article As announced, everything is currently about our recollection, i.e. about fully entering our original state, based on maximum strength, abundance, self-love and happiness. We can strongly sense a corresponding state and, at the same time, observe how everything fits together on the outside. Because our original state, based on the characteristics mentioned above, allows us to attract life circumstances that are accompanied by incredible magic. As I said, our inner space is always manifested in the outer world. The more we enter into our primal energy, the more we attract living conditions that correspond to our primal energy or our true nature. We then become fully synchronous/present and create the circumstances that have always corresponded to our true essence. Our inner strength and our inner love then become manifest on the outside, in relation to all life situations. And thanks to the Aquarius Moon, if we have currently entered our primal power, we can experience living conditions that come with complete independence and freedom. It is more noticeable than ever before. The experience of the primal energy, accompanied by healing, is currently flowing through every cell of my body and it is unbelievable what happens every day, what happens to me every day and, above all, what life circumstances/situations are now presented to me.
It is truly an entry into a state that I have been waiting for for years and which is only now, in keeping with these high-frequency days (see e.g. bottom picture), becomes noticeable. The Primordial or healing water, which I've been drinking every day for a few days now, will certainly play a big role in this. It flushes my entire system and in combination with the medicinal herbs, all my cells are flooded with light. It really is the source that I was looking for in the winter and that has now come to me in the spring, it couldn't be more harmonious (refer to our group at this point: living water, if you would like information about the water you are welcome to join). Well then, today will seamlessly follow on from the past days and continue what was already initiated in the past days, namely the manifestation of our primal energy. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂