The daily energy on January 25, 2018 could give us a cheerful outlook on life and also a lot of optimism. On the other hand, today's daily energetic influences are also entirely influenced by our mental comprehension and we could tackle all activities with a lot of enthusiasm. Ultimately, today is the perfect day to realize your own projects or even to face the day with confidence.
A cheerful outlook on life – positive life influences
Dedication and attention to detail are therefore strongly represented in our actions and can be responsible for making new things much easier to implement. In this context there is also a very interesting quote from Eckhart Tolle: “Only a person full of devotion has spiritual power. Through surrender you become free from the situation internally. Then it can happen that the situation changes completely without your intervention.” Dedication is therefore something necessary when it comes to fully realizing yourself. Only through devotion do we create circumstances that arise from our hearts and are subsequently shaped by love, harmony and happiness. Furthermore, if we realize our own projects out of a feeling of devotion or, better said, work on the manifestation of corresponding thoughts, then we automatically leave negative future or past thinking and instead act from the eternal presence of the present. In this regard, living/acting/thinking in the present is also an aspect that can make us humans free. Instead of fearing a supposed future or even drawing feelings of guilt, suffering and other negative feelings from the past (which basically no longer exists), we act from current structures, live in the now and can thus actively shape things of our lives. Today is therefore perfect for acting full of energy from current structures. At 12:27 p.m. a harmonious star constellation reaches us, namely a sextile between Mercury (in the zodiac sign Capricorn) and Jupiter (in the zodiac sign Scorpio), which can give us the previously mentioned cheerful outlook on life and optimism. Our mind is also very developed due to this determining constellation, which lasts for a day. We think fairly, have a talent for public speaking, enjoy discussions, love socializing and have a rich imagination and thirst for knowledge.
Today's daily energy is mainly accompanied by a harmonious constellation between Mercury and Jupiter, which is why a harmonious and optimistic daily circumstance is in the foreground..!!
A few minutes later, 22 minutes later to be precise, at 12:49 p.m. another harmonious star constellation reaches us, namely a sextile between the Moon (in the zodiac sign Taurus) and Neptune (in the zodiac sign Pisces). In parallel to the former constellation, this connection provides an impressive spirit, a strong imagination, sensitivity and a good gift of empathy. Apart from that, this connection could also make us attractive, dreamy and enthusiastic. A single drop of bitterness represents a short-term constellation at 06:35 a.m., i.e. a square between the Moon and Venus (in the zodiac sign Aquarius), which could make a strong instinctual life noticeable. Lively feelings then come to the fore and inhibitions in love could arise. You could also expect emotional outbursts, which is why the start of the day could be quite bumpy for some people. Nevertheless, we shouldn't let this influence us too much, because the whole day is accompanied by a very harmonious star constellation. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.
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