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daily energy

Today's daily energy on February 25, 2019 is still shaped by the moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio, which is why emotional moods and a tendency to overcome oneself can still be in the foreground. Ambition and a stronger willpowerare therefore also aspects that go hand in hand with a Scorpio moon. We could even experience this aspect in a very special way.

Live out our true being

Live out our true beingJust like the site astroschmid.ch explained, we could stand up for ourselves more on appropriate days and act from our deep being, i.e. from our own innermost being, which in turn is shaped by our truthfulness. In this context, it is also about the overarching phase of spiritual awakening, which in turn has taken on extremely large dimensions for several years, since 2012 to be precise, i.e. human civilization has hardly changed since then, purely from a spiritual/mental point of view tempo (and is about to enter a completely new, high frequency/5D state of consciousness), about the development or rather the rediscovery of our own truthfulness, about our divine nature. The core of our existence, one could also speak of the space of every human being (the space from which everything arises and in which everything happens - the space of creation itself), is of divine nature and within the current phase we are in the process of becoming aware of this again (We are divine and perfect, everything is anchored in us, it is important to become aware of this in order to be able to live out/radiate and attract a corresponding perfection). We recognize again that we are inherently divine beings, creators who are endowed with the unique ability to create, shape and change living conditions and to do so according to our own will. This limitless potential is therefore increasingly being recognized and developed. Of course, unconsciously, every person already uses and uses these abilities on a daily or permanent basis, at any time, in any place, but in the past decades/centuries it has mostly been unconscious and also mostly for the manifestation of life circumstances, which in turn are more destructive and disharmonious nature were. In the current times, however, this circumstance is undergoing a drastic change because, on the one hand, we are becoming aware of our own abilities again and, on the other hand, we are beginning to use our own abilities to create living conditions that are harmonious in nature.

Just as the sun's rays reach the earth but still belong to their starting point, so a great, holy soul, who was sent down to help us understand the divine better, is in communication with us, but remains attached to its place of origin: from There it goes out, here it looks and has an influence, among us it acts as a higher being, so to speak. – Seneca..!!

We therefore return to nature, re-enter the power of our own self-love and begin to change our world for the better, which subsequently also transforms the external world for the better (because our inner world is always transferred to the outer world). Today's daily energy therefore also serves our own reflection and can make this fundamental principle more clear to us, just as we can also become more aware of our own true nature, consisting of abundance and completeness. As I said, in the current times this process is very much in the foreground and every day we are brought closer to our true being. Every day therefore serves our own intellectual and spiritual development or the awareness of our own perfection and divinity. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

I am grateful for any support : )

Daily Joy on February 25, 2019 – Why love is the only true “religion”.
joy of life

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