Dear ones, before I start with today's daily energy or today's energetic influences and assessments, I would like to thank you all very much again for yesterday's wonderful news. All your messages have gone deep into my heart and I am therefore grateful for all the energy you have given me. At the end of the day, I'm really happy to hear how many of you follow the articles every day, how much these enrich you and, above all, how much you resonate with them - your love is therefore the greatest gift. And as I said, even if a lot can fall by the wayside due to the daily work, it is still very important to me to share the daily changes and, above all, the daily energy updates with you. After all, together we create great things because all our thoughts, impulses and feelings always flow out into the world and change the collective.
I thank you all
The more we pool our energy together and internalize the collective change in our hearts, the more powerful our influence on the world will be. The manifestation of the golden and, above all, magical time (in the external world & within ourselves) is thereby accelerated immensely. Each of you is therefore incredibly important and I thank you all - endless love for you!!! ❤❤❤ Now and as a result, today's daily energy article should start straight away. In this context, at the end of the day I can only point out one thing: another shift lasting several hours, which again became manifest yesterday (see below picture). The overall shift has therefore still not come to an end and despite some moments of normalization (in the past few days), the circumstance was repeatedly exaggerated and intensified (the storm is not over yet). The exciting thing about it is that these energies are extremely noticeable and can be felt in everyone (of course in different ways) to make noticable. In other words, it is hardly possible to escape this and strong changes/expansions in consciousness are the inevitable result. Everything changes! Everything old is in the process of dissolving and all shadow-heavy structures are being revealed, which can be perceived as very stormy, abrasive and exhausting on the one hand, but on the other hand also as extremely liberating, clarifying and realigning.
Nevertheless, one thing always emerges and that is that a huge change has become manifest. Each of you feels it in this regard, i.e. that something great is currently happening in the background and a new world is emerging from the shadow of old/illusory/disharmonious/unjust structures - it is phenomenal. In this context, just yesterday I spoke with a good friend (GRegards go out at this point) philosophizes about this topic. He also told me how the prevailing shift energies shake him up and, above all, how much he perceives the birth or manifestation of a new earth. In the end, this coincides perfectly - especially since corresponding impulses often reached me outside (from some other friends - incidentally a direct reflection of one's own self). Due to the coming golden decade, which is directly responsible for the birth of a new (high frequencies) Earth is standing, corresponding impulses are simply given to us more and more and it is inevitable to resonate with them. We are currently receiving the most exciting impulses of all and are extremely receptive to in-depth/fundamental knowledge. Ultimately, we will once again receive special impulses today, just as we will feel the progress of collective change very strongly within us. Things are making great progress. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂