Today's daily energy on March 24, 2020 continues to be composed, on the one hand, of the ascension frequencies that have a strong impact on us and, on the other hand, of the influences of a powerful new moon in the zodiac sign Aries. The new moon also reaches its full “new moon form” at 10:30 a.m. and will have its full effect from then on. Ultimately, we can expect an extremely exciting and, above all, transformative mixture of highly potent energies that will make the collective spirit even more aware of the overarching transformation process.
The 3D Matrix collapses
After all, we have been in a tremendous spiritual awakening for years (As most of you know, this has been going on for thousands of years, but it was only in the last decade that a special energetic shift became manifest - apocalypse = unveiling, the years of awakening/revelation) and since then more and more people have found themselves in a completely new reality. Within a moment, many people experience a sudden realignment of their own minds and have suddenly developed an interest in topics that were previously strictly rejected (By opening your heart and your own mind, instead of keeping your own horizons limited, you no longer reject information that does not go hand in hand with your conditioned world view - you can deal with new knowledge in a non-judgmental way and break out of it because of it own everyday system reality). A planetary act of liberation has been coursing through human civilization in recent years and is spreading like wildfire. The number of people who were able to escape this change became smaller and smaller every year. Well, due to the current Corona crisis, which is 100% a sign of light (because it completely overrides the existing 3D illusionary system and makes many people question the world), the low-frequency pseudo-construct of the system collapses and as a result humanity recognizes its self-imposed shackles. Your own mental blockages are recognized and overcome. The resulting transformation of one's own reality and consequently of collective reality has become inevitable.
The Golden Age is Coming – Awakened Humanity
In the last few years, as more and more people have become awake, there has been talk of a turning point, i.e. a breakdown - of a major event that lays the foundation for the golden age and turns humanity out of the old materially oriented EGO spirit a new, high-frequency & and above all nature-oriented divine spirit (Divine Spirit = awareness of one's own divinity - the God Self) will lead into it. With the Corona circumstance, exactly this circumstance has come about and we are currently experiencing the most significant and greatest transition/ascension that humanity has ever seen (By the way, for all new readers, Click here for my video in which I explain Corona in detail). Due to the system shutdown, i.e. due to the fact that the system is out of control and no longer runs as structured as it always did, you could also say due to the collective spirit, which is currently no longer a classic system reality maintained, all of humanity is almost forced to turn away from the darkness and move into the light (Darkness = fear, ignorance, ungodliness & pure conditioned and EGO based systems thinking). And of course there are still people who still avoid this fact and are completely wrapped in fear, but believe me, so many people have now woken up (The critical mass has been reached 100% - as I said, watch my Corona video!!!!!), especially in the current weeks, so that the collective is currently completely changing, it is a true blessing and the best thing that could have happened to human civilization (And as I said, Corona did not arise by chance, i.e. in the way it is conveyed in the mass media - system knowledge, but it was consciously brought into being to destroy, contain and control the collective spirit - but brings with it completely opposite reactions and effects).
The New Moon in Aries
Well, from day to day the overarching spiritual awakening is taking on new, greatest possible features and today's new moon day in particular will once again provide a huge upswing. After all, new moons represent the manifestation and experience of new circumstances and conditions. In addition, there is the Aries zodiac sign, which makes us very open to new information and life circumstances and also awakens in us the urge to learn new things. For this reason, the cleansing of heavy energies, i.e. the breakout from the largest and darkest control programs, will experience a new energetic climax today and will lead collectively even more profoundly into the ascension. Let us therefore use today's energies and keep this fact in mind. Always remember that our thoughts, emotions and above all our BELIEFS always flow into the collective and influence/guide it, because as creators ourselves we are connected to everything on a spiritual level. You yourself are everything and everything is yourself. Harmonious beliefs, in this case the deep knowledge that everything that is currently happening allows humanity to fully awaken and that the old 3D matrix/reality is collapsing, therefore allows the collective to expand in the same direction . Never underestimate your own creative power and instead let the highest image of yourself (CREATOR) come to life. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂
This explains why children are not affected by this “awakening”, because they have already been reprogrammed into the world and therefore do not need to be put on the right path with a “virus”?