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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on June 24, 2018 is still shaped by the influences of the moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio, which is why strong energies, passion and sensuality are in the foreground throughout. If you turn the Disharmonious influences of the “Scorpio Moon” are illuminated, then impulsivity, arguments and vindictiveness could also be in the foreground.

New experiences & living conditions

daily energyIf this is the case and we ourselves feel a tendency towards disharmonious states, then it would definitely be appropriate to remain calm in such conflict situations. On the other hand, it should also be said that due to the Scorpio Moon, new experiences or the desire for new experiences and living conditions can be in the foreground. We could also deal with serious changes more easily than usual. Apart from the influences of the Scorpio Moon, we also have three different star constellations. A trine between the Moon and Neptune came into effect at 04:22 a.m., which gave us an impressive mind, a strong imagination and also good empathy. This constellation could also make us quite dreamy, especially at night and early in the morning. At 11:59 a.m. a sextile between the Moon and Pluto came into effect, which not only awakened our sentimental nature, but also stood for adventure and a love of travel. Last but not least, a trine between the Moon and Mercury will take effect at 15:59 p.m., which could give us a great ability to learn, a good mind, quick wit and also good judgment. This constellation also represents strong intellectual abilities and practical thinking.

The happiness of your life depends on the nature of your thoughts. – Marcus Aurelius..!!

Nevertheless, it should be said that the influences of the Scorpio Moon mainly affect us, which is why we could be in a pretty energetic mood overall. At this point it should also be said again that we are still receiving strong impulses regarding the planetary resonance frequency, which can also give us additional energetic support. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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Moon Constellations Source: https://www.schicksal.com/Horoskope/Tageshoroskop/2018/Juni/24

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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