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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on April 24, 2018 is characterized on the one hand by countless different star constellations and on the other hand, at least there is a very high probability, by strong electromagnetic impulses. Late in the evening (22:40 p.m.) the moon changes to the zodiac sign Virgo, which will enable us to be analytical, critical, but also productive, health-conscious and conscientious in the next few days.

Vitality & joy of life – strong energies?!

Vitality & joy of life - strong energiesNevertheless, the electromagnetic influences should be emphasized in particular, because yesterday we experienced an increase that was so huge that it was almost impossible to put into words (you can read it here: The most violent energy surge ever?!). The probability is therefore high that the influences will also be as strong today, because so far no leveling off has been seen. Since we will also have a portal day tomorrow, one can even assume very strongly why transformation and cleansing will most likely be the top priority (due to the strong cosmic rays we cleanse ourselves of heavy energies, i.e. we free ourselves from old burdens and internal conflicts). An update regarding the energies will definitely follow during the day. Otherwise, the influences of the different constellations still reach us. Aside from the moon, which in turn changes into the zodiac sign Virgo in the late evening, we reached a square (disharmonious angular relationship - 05°) between the moon and Jupiter (in the zodiac sign Scorpio) early in the morning at 44:90 a.m. through which we could be prone to extravagance and waste. Especially in the early morning, we should concentrate on important things, for example on our health, which in turn is stimulated by a sextile (harmonic angle relationship - 60°) between Mars (in the zodiac sign Capricorn) and Jupiter (from 07:12 a.m.). could become.

Yesterday we received an electromagnetic surge that was so powerful that it left me speechless. For this reason, the strong influences could continue today, which is why cleansing and transformation could be at the forefront..!! 

On the other hand, this harmonious connection stands for strong vitality and great enthusiasm, which is why we can now work on projects with full vigor for two days (this constellation is effective for two days). Above all, this could be possible because this constellation also stands for decisive action, drive, enterprising spirit, joy of life and organizational talent.

Mostly harmonious influences

Mostly harmonious influencesIn combination with the moon in the zodiac sign Virgo, this results in a powerful combination. Professional success could therefore follow. Otherwise, this defining constellation also represents a drive for independence. From a purely emotional point of view, happy decisions could be made. At 18:39 p.m. Venus switches to the zodiac sign Gemini, which means our thoughts and feelings could be refined, i.e. our perception is sharpened and we may be more sensitive. At the same time, this constellation makes us quite harmonious, truthful and kind. A pleasant mood suddenly appears and our passions can be pursued very well. Exactly two hours later, at 20:39 p.m., the Moon forms a trine (harmonic angular relationship - 120°) with Uranus (in the zodiac sign Aries), which can give us additional attention, persuasiveness, ambition and an original spirit. Through this constellation we could also take new paths or look for new methods and possibilities. Last but not least, late in the evening at 23:03 p.m. a square between the Moon and Venus (in the zodiac sign Gemini) will take effect, through which we could act purely out of feelings and suffer from emotional outbursts.

Today's daily energy is characterized by harmonious influences, which is why we could be in for a very pleasant and energetic circumstance..!!

Well, today's daily energetic influences are still of a harmonious nature overall, which is why we could have a very pleasant day ahead of us, yes, it could even be extremely successful. If the electromagnetic influences are also strong (which will very likely be the case), then we could achieve a lot, at least if the influences do not put too much strain on our own mind/body/spirit system. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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Moon Constellations Source: https://www.schicksal.com/Horoskope/Tageshoroskop/2018/April/24

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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