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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on September 23, 2018 is, on the one hand, still influenced by the moon in the zodiac sign Pisces, which is why we could act more reserved, emotional, sensitive, dreamy and introverted, and on the other hand by stronger influences regarding the planetary resonance frequency. In this regard, stronger solar winds also reached us yesterday, as can be seen in the picture below.

Stronger solar winds reached us yesterday

Special circumstances of the dayYesterday was therefore, at least from an energetic point of view, extremely intense and was able to have a fairly strong influence on our own state of consciousness, because as has often been mentioned, stronger solar winds always weaken the earth's magnetic field, which subsequently increases cosmic radiation on the collective state of consciousness reached. It is often said that our consciousness is flooded with “high-frequency particles” or “light”, which can ultimately lead to a corresponding reorientation, i.e. old programs (beliefs, beliefs, life patterns/circumstances – mental constructs, etc.) , which have a certain benefit for us (learning/mirror effect), but put a strong strain on our own mind/body/spirit system (in the long term - because negative sensations always have a stressful influence on our entire organism ), are presented to us in order to finally be able to let go/be. The new, however, wants to be accepted. Stronger solar winds reached us yesterdayEspecially on “high-frequency” days, during this phase of collective awakening, this process experiences a massive acceleration and is therefore very noticeable in our lives. Due to the lingering effect of yesterday's solar winds (particularly the days following stronger solar winds or stronger influences on the planetary resonance frequency are quite transformative), we may therefore also experience a transformative circumstance today. Since the moon is also in the zodiac sign Pisces, we could devote particular attention to our own mental life and become aware of our current living conditions.

The key to enjoying a happy and fulfilling life is the state of consciousness. That's the gist. – Dalai Lama..!!

Who knows, maybe things will develop in such a way that we can make an important decision for ourselves or that we can consider possibilities that up to that point were in no way present in our own state of consciousness. Everything is definitely possible and the energetic circumstances can definitely be responsible for a certain rethinking. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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