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new moon

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With today's daily energy on November 23, 2022, the influences of the sixth portal day of this month reach us on the one hand, and on the other hand the influences of the new moon, which in turn becomes active at night at 23:57 p.m. and gives us a strong one throughout the day energy of new beginnings. In this context, new moons in particular are always accompanied by a strong energy of renewal and, above all, inner reorientation. Suitable for thisFor example, detoxification phases are perfect during the waning moon. In this respect, our organisms always resonate with the sun & moon cycle and our cells react accordingly to the energies of the cosmos.

Energies of the Sagittarius New Moon

New Moon in SagittariusNevertheless, today's new moon is accompanied by a completely different energy quality than just a few hours before (at 21:16 p.m. to be precise) the moon moved to the fire sign Sagittarius. Because of this, this new moon comes with a strong propulsive energy, as the Sagittarius zodiac sign in particular gives us a strong inner boost, activating our inner fire and wanting us to fully realize ourselves. That is why the Sagittarius sign always gives us a strong tendency towards self-knowledge. It's about penetrating even deeper to one's own true core in order to subsequently manifest the truest self-image. During this new moon we can therefore also feel a special drive within us. We forge internal plans and consider how we can optimally realize ourselves, for the good of our being and also for the good of the collective (because the collective, as a direct expression of ourselves, is always penetrated and influenced by our current state of being - the healer we ourselves become, the more healing automatically flows into the collective. The conscious use and orientation of your creative power therefore determines the level of development of the collective spirit - never underestimate your immeasurable inner power). Ultimately, the new moon allows us to look deeply into our inner world. With the current approach to the annual winter solstice, which is characterized by ever shorter days, we can also generally become clear about the direction in which our life should move. Deep processes of self-reflection are in full swing and today represents a cornerstone that, viewed in a visionary way, can offer us a foretaste of a new way of life to come. And since today is a portal day, we will also notice the energies significantly intensified again. 

Jupiter becomes direct 

Jupiter becomes directWell then, for that reason, with the potential of today's new moon, we can also bring some deep thoughts to life within us. After all, the Sagittarius New Moon, especially in combination with the current Sagittarius Sun, paves a space for manifestation. Plans that we are now forging, thoughts that appear, a future path in life that is to be realized, all corresponding ideas experience a strong manifestation power on this Sagittarius new moon, which is why we can become perfectly clear about what we really want in life. This energy is then also supported by Jupiter, which is currently in the zodiac sign Sagittarius and will be direct again this evening at 23:40 p.m., almost at the same time as the new moon. This now initiates a phase in which we are very strongly geared towards growth, fullness and, above all, the manifestation of a general fullness-prone circumstance. Because of the Pisces zodiac sign, we can primarily find fulfillment within our own spiritual or intellectual self-empowerment. Our most hidden parts want to be lived instead of remaining in the dark again and again. It is about the unfolding of our sacred or rather connected core. Our true calling wants to be fully developed. Jupiter, which is now becoming direct again, offers us the opportunity to fully revive our spiritual side. One could also speak of an inner process of revelation and transformation that will pave the way for true abundance and growth. Alright, so let's celebrate today's energies together and surf the special wave of the Sagittarius New Moon. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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