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daily energy

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy On May 23, 2022, on the one hand, the waning moon in the zodiac sign Pisces will continue to be characterized, i.e. the water sign will flush a lot out of our systems these days. In this context, there is hardly any zodiac sign that is associated with such pronounced sensitivity, sensitivity and, above all, compassion. We can do that too Go through emotional moods and experience a deep connection to our soul. And especially in the current energetically very advanced days, in which our own light body is increasing or developing more and more in its spin, the connection to our spiritual, empathetic and, above all, warm side is becoming more and more in the foreground.

Five energetically special days

Five energetically special days

Well, just before we As we enter the first month of summer, we are now experiencing a particularly mood-lifting constellation, which lasts for five days and allows us to make great progress, especially in projects. The Sun forms a sextile with Jupiter (Start at 13:06), whereby a constellation affects us that generally supports us greatly in our activities. In this context, Jupiter also stands for happiness, freedom, independence and success. Within this solar connection we are now particularly supported in personal endeavors and can increasingly perceive moments of fullness. Of course, it should be said at this point that we can always manifest abundance and happiness, provided our own state of consciousness is aligned with abundance. When our own state of being or image of ourselves is wrapped in harmony, joy and peace, then we cannot help but attract circumstances that are in turn based on harmony, joy and peace. One could also speak here of circumstances that confirm our inner blissful state. Even the supposedly darkest constellation couldn't change that. As creators/sources ourselves, all constellations and events are tailored to us.

Attract pure abundance

As I said, yourself You have completely created the external world for yourself; it is embedded within your all-encompassing field. Accordingly, planets/plasmas also emerged from our spirit and therefore have a special effect on us (you determine the degree of influence of different constellations - because you are the creative authority). Well, nevertheless, we can now integrate the Sun/Jupiter constellation into our minds and accordingly prepare ourselves even more for moments of abundance. The best should and should be given and only the best is ours. Pure abundance should reach us. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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    • Robert Sarkis Karapetians 23. May 2022, 12: 49

      Dear Yannick,

      I would really like to get to know you personally because I also know a lot about the biochemical effects of medicinal plants that I would like to exchange with you.
      I live in Cologne and travel very often because I also work as an interpreter.
      My phone number is:
      0049 17656697556
      I look forward to your answer.

      God bless you
      Robert Sarkis Karapetians

    Robert Sarkis Karapetians 23. May 2022, 12: 49

    Dear Yannick,

    I would really like to get to know you personally because I also know a lot about the biochemical effects of medicinal plants that I would like to exchange with you.
    I live in Cologne and travel very often because I also work as an interpreter.
    My phone number is:
    0049 17656697556
    I look forward to your answer.

    God bless you
    Robert Sarkis Karapetians
