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Today's daily energy on May 23, 2020 is mainly characterized by the renewing and, above all, regenerating influences of the new moon, which in turn moves towards the evening (at 19: 39 clock) becomes manifest. The new moon is also in the zodiac sign Gemini (Twin souls theme - duality, the dual - INNER WORLD - OUTER WORLD - you yourself are everything - there is no separation - only the source/God/the divine - yourself) and gives us accordingly influences, through which we could bring about/experience a new beginning or even the manifestation of new structures full of vigor and energy.

Strong magic

Strong magicOn the other hand, the combination with the Gemini star sign could also transport deeply hidden shadows into our daytime consciousness (for example in relation to unredeemed/stressful ties, a burdensome connection to the outside world - or even in relation to viewpoints that are far too critical and doubtful, for example a blocked mind, from which a reality arises in which one rejects everything that is does not correspond to your own world view - The throat chakra and communicative blockages could also be addressed and resolved - The Gemini star sign is always associated with communicative aspects in this regard) and accordingly allow us to mature even more. After all, after the past high-energy days and especially while we are currently still within the Pleiades Gateway (until May 24th), an incredible energy reaches us. As already mentioned in the last daily energy article, the sun also exerts a very special radiation on all of us, i.e. we are flooded with light and our entire systems are clarified/cleaned (The sun also feels much stronger than usual - sunburns are triggered MUCH faster - as I said, my experience with this was described in the last article). On the other hand, it escalated appropriately (in the past few days) also the planetary resonance frequency and gave us incredible anomalies/impulses.

The rise of our spirit

That we then reached two more portal days and yesterday was Ascension Day and, appropriately, Father's Day (apart from religious dogmas and co. Corresponding events always symbolically express a lot - Ascension of Christ - Exaltation of Christ - Ascension to the Father = Manifestation/elevation of one's own state of consciousness into more luminous states - Union with unity/the greater whole - Becoming aware of one's own divine existence/divine self-image - Entry into the divine - as I said, deep down in our existence it is about recognizing that YOU YOURSELF are the source/the divine - becoming aware of this is merging with God), perfectly embodied the current incredible energy intensity. Today's new moon follows a chain full of energetically powerful events and therefore represents a frequency technical highlight this month. Well, we can therefore be sure that today's energy will be extremely magical and consciousness-expanding. The new moon will be tough (which, by the way, was already noticeable in advance). With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂
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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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    • Robin 22. May 2020, 10: 15

      Thank you for your detailed daily energy articles. I look at the website every day and am happy when a new post appears. And I have to say you describe what is currently happening incredibly accurately. For example, I had an extremely consciousness-expanding experience on the first day of the portal, and since Wednesday my deeply hidden shadow sides and my unredeemed relationships have come to the fore again and concern me more than ever. I am very excited about the upcoming new moon energy.

    Robin 22. May 2020, 10: 15

    Thank you for your detailed daily energy articles. I look at the website every day and am happy when a new post appears. And I have to say you describe what is currently happening incredibly accurately. For example, I had an extremely consciousness-expanding experience on the first day of the portal, and since Wednesday my deeply hidden shadow sides and my unredeemed relationships have come to the fore again and concern me more than ever. I am very excited about the upcoming new moon energy.
