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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy on May 23, 2019 is still all about our personal maturing process and as already mentioned in the past 2-3 daily energy articles, our return to our primal energy is i.e. the return to our basic trust and with it the return to our true self, more than ever in the foreground. We go through a transformation of unimaginable proportions and can rise completely.

New Birth & Aquarius Moon

If we open ourselves up to all the currently prevailing magic, we can literally go into our original source (I am – yourself) come in and start looking at everything from a different perspective. The focus is also on the manifestation of life circumstances, which in turn are based on the connection to our original source or to ourselves. For this reason, the current days can also be equated with a new level of awakening, a level that this time comes with an unprecedented inner strength and self-love. Friends, there is a very special mood that prevails, we are constantly anchored in the present, constantly dwelling on our inner primal strength and as a result experience a completely new life. That's exactly what I'm feeling at the moment, everything has been moving towards this for the last few days and I've never been as anchored in my primal energy as I am in the current few days. And when the source, i.e. the water treatment system, was installed yesterday, a real “shift” began again. I consumed almost 4 liters of this highly pure, hexagonal and living primal water. It really woke up my entire mind/body/spirit system, especially the herbal shakes that came with it, which this time, like in winter (when I was looking for the source), a lot of clove root, only this time I added the mature/fully grown clove root, they were able to really penetrate into all my cells. It was therefore a day based on maximum fullness. On the one hand, nutrient abundance - medicinal herbs/primal information and on the other hand, medicinal water/primordial information, which is why I also experienced states/sensations that were based on this extremely high frequency.

When we are truly alive, everything we do or feel is a miracle. Practicing mindfulness means returning to living in the present moment. – Thich Nhat Hanh..!!

At the beginning of the day, i.e. after I drank the first liter of the primal water, I was extremely alive, completely pushed and as if renewed. A subsequent training session was full of life energy. Towards the end of the day I immersed myself in a completely meditative state for hours, I was absolute calm itself. A late walk through the forest - while it was getting very dark - was accompanied by a feeling of relaxation, like me never knew it. It was so mystical and calming, full of primal trust and strength. It was a very special day, I fully felt and lived out the source within me. And it is precisely such conditions that we are now experiencing more and more. We can rise to who we really are, namely the most powerful thing there is, the most beautiful thing there is, the wisest and strongest thing there is, namely ourselves, the original source from which everything arises. The coming days and weeks will therefore continue this situation. Great things are currently becoming manifest, we are living out our inner truth and making ourselves independent of all attachments. We awaken to our true nature and create completely new structures for ourselves, structures based on self-love and maximum strength. And the moon, which switches to the zodiac sign Aquarius at 19:54 p.m. in the evening, is just right for us. Because the Aquarius Moon can reflect our inner urge for freedom, self-realization and networking/connection (with other people, with everything that exists – with ourselves), massively strengthen. Let us therefore continue to use the prevailing potential and begin to free ourselves completely. It is truly the time of return, of returning to our primal energy. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

I am happy about any support ❤ 

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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    • Anna 23. May 2019, 10: 20

      I'm currently reading your daily energies every day.
      But for me at the moment I'm exposed to a lot of fears and old beliefs - how can that be explained?

      Kind regards

    Anna 23. May 2019, 10: 20

    I'm currently reading your daily energies every day.
    But for me at the moment I'm exposed to a lot of fears and old beliefs - how can that be explained?

    Kind regards
