Today's daily energy on June 23, 2020 is mainly shaped by the lingering influences of the extremely powerful summer solstice and the annular solar eclipse that came with it and therefore gives us an incredible potential through which our self-realization can take on the greatest possible features. In this context, the brightest day of the year was able to bring an enormous amount of clarity into our lives and subsequently show us new possibilities and ways of realizing our own truest core.
As for me personally, the summer solstice and especially the subsequent solar eclipse/new moon day was also extremely knowledgeable and let me look deep into my innermost soul life. I was able to reflect strongly on my life and also bring light and harmony to these highly transformative days with regard to some intentions and ideas on my part, it was incredible how things came together in this regard (and above all without coercion – it just happened). Well, in the end the days were also very intense in terms of energy quality and predestined to flood our systems with strong light impulses, i.e. the days served our own UNVEILING at its finest. After all, the summer solstice marked the beginning of a new cycle.

“The black line on the Schumann Resonance Diagram marks a jump in time and space and literally represents a black hole or an antimatter field in the Earth's grid! When such a grid failure occurs, the energy field around the Earth is literally turned off for a period of time.”
In the two days unbelievable leaps were made within the collective consciousness and we will therefore now see how everything will accelerate even more and the awakening process will enormously push the uninstallation of the old illusion system. Well, because of this incredible energy uplift, we are therefore experiencing a tipping point that will usher us into a new world. As I said, the outer world can only change if we change ourselves. Only the change in our inner world is transferred to the outer world and brings with it strong changes. Only the initiation of the golden age (associated states – true freedom, self-love, abundance, etc.) enables an initiation of the golden age in the outer world and only the manifestation of a turning point in one's own mind creates a turning point in the outer world - within the collective mind, within our civilization. At this point I can only point out again and again that you yourself, as the creator, represent the outer world, that you are everything yourself, everything ONLY happens inside you and EVERYTHING IS JUST A PROJECTION OF YOUR OWN INNER WORLD OUTSIDE .
You yourself are therefore largely responsible for the change in the world. The more one matures spiritually and, as a result, allows a divine state of consciousness to become manifest (THE HIGHEST SELF-IMAGE - YOU ARE GOD/SOURCE/CREATOR - EXPERIENCING AND EXPANDING IN ALL - YOU ARE ALL/ONE), the more this divine image can be realized in the outer perceptible world. Energy always follows your own attention, just like that you always attract what corresponds to your own self-image (the law of resonance always goes hand in hand with one's own self-image - and the self-image in turn is based on ALL feelings, thoughts, beliefs, convictions, views and co. which in turn are anchored in oneself/programming). Therefore, acknowledge yourself for what you truly are. Let only the most unique and highest images of yourself come to life and know that this new self-image will take shape in the outer world. Everything will then be guided in this high direction solely by your mighty creative power. YOU ARE EVERYTHING, IT ALWAYS WAS SO AND WILL ALWAYS BE! With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂
I would like to thank you for this great link, these unique posts. You give my friends and me so much positive and great understanding! ☀️ Sincerely, Nicole and my "circle" from Vienna