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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy on December 23, 2019 is mainly characterized by the special atmosphere that has surrounded us since the beginning of December and brings with it an unexpectedly strong magic. After all, these are the LAST nine days of this DECADE (a decade of spiritual awakening made manifest), why the pull into a new (high frequency) world, accompanied by a final experience of various old structures (For example, a strong experience of enjoyment suitable for Christmas), is getting stronger.

Between light and darkness

Between light and darknessThe energy towards the end of the month is therefore incredibly consciousness-altering and everything prepares us to emerge with abundance and the accompanying luminous realization of our own highest creative spirit (one's source - the true self - the truest image of oneself), to start the new decade. The energies of our own mature creative spirit (the rooting of the highest wisdom in the minds of many people - especially rooted in those who have been experiencing the process of spiritual awakening very strongly for years and are now heading towards a "finale" - recognizing themselves), are therefore primarily responsible for the prevailing energy quality and therefore promote a massive ascension of the collective spirit into a high reality on a daily basis. For this reason, the days until the end of the year will become increasingly violent and we will be provided with the best tools to master the coming decade (Mastering one's own self - only when we "ascend" ourselves does the world rise - the reality of a/the creator himself - oneself - is crucial - the world only changes when one changes oneself). We are therefore in a final phase in which, on the one hand, we have matured greatly and are constantly reviving this spiritual maturity, especially in relation to the highest image of ourselves, but on the other hand, we are still confronted with the last shadows of ourselves.

Everything is energy and that's all. Align the frequency with the reality you want and you will get it without being able to do anything about it. There can be no other way. That’s not philosophy, that’s physics.” – Albert..!!

Nevertheless, the expansion of our inner space - into light-filled states - is progressing more and more; it has become unstoppable. And with Christmas Eve (a day that also happens to be a portal day), the following new moon, - accompanied by a solar eclipse (on Boxing Day) and last but not least with the New Year celebration, where we completely mark the transition into the new (into the new decade) we can celebrate, we experience the most energetic days ever. Ultimately, we can be excited to see what awaits us in the last few days of this year. One thing is certain, we should let go of the old and welcome the new. In the next decade everything will be different. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂


Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Leave a Comment

    • Alexandra 23. December 2019, 7: 30

      Hello, that all sounds so great, but the opposite is happening to me. I fall, hit myself, drop things... really not nice. hope it gets better again...
      Merry Christmas

    • Ilona Gabler 23. December 2019, 13: 24

      You're a great man and I like your videos a lot,
      I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

    • Franz Xavier 24. December 2019, 6: 01

      yes, that's it and thank you for saying it

    Franz Xavier 24. December 2019, 6: 01

    yes, that's it and thank you for saying it

    • Alexandra 23. December 2019, 7: 30

      Hello, that all sounds so great, but the opposite is happening to me. I fall, hit myself, drop things... really not nice. hope it gets better again...
      Merry Christmas

    • Ilona Gabler 23. December 2019, 13: 24

      You're a great man and I like your videos a lot,
      I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

    • Franz Xavier 24. December 2019, 6: 01

      yes, that's it and thank you for saying it

    Franz Xavier 24. December 2019, 6: 01

    yes, that's it and thank you for saying it

    • Alexandra 23. December 2019, 7: 30

      Hello, that all sounds so great, but the opposite is happening to me. I fall, hit myself, drop things... really not nice. hope it gets better again...
      Merry Christmas

    • Ilona Gabler 23. December 2019, 13: 24

      You're a great man and I like your videos a lot,
      I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

    • Franz Xavier 24. December 2019, 6: 01

      yes, that's it and thank you for saying it

    Franz Xavier 24. December 2019, 6: 01

    yes, that's it and thank you for saying it
